chapter 9

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"Hey, Mack aren't you supposed to go to to Wilds' match tonight?" my dad asked me from the kitchen. i gasped looking at the clock on the far right wall that hung innocently, but it read 6:50 pm. I groaned.

"Shit! Thanks dad!" i yelled, running out the door. I had left my cell phone but i had no time to go back and get it.

i know what you are all thinking right now, god, mack! you are being stupid going after Shane after he ditched you for Marilyn, but i had promised him his match, and even though what he did pissed me off, he was my partners. and partners in my book have each other's backs no matter what, so i set aside my petty feelings and ran like my life depended on it. it was now 6:00 and i still had a good fifteen minutes to go. i hoped to god he was ok. a lot can happen in fifteen minutes.


"Shane!" i heard Cam scream as Mark landed a fierce blow to my skull. We had been circling each other for fifteen minutes. i staggered back, my vision blurring.

"Sorry kid, its business." i heard Mark say. of course i couldn't blame him, he was doing the same as i was. never the less it hurt.

I wasn't even trying anymore, what for? Mimi wasn't here. i was a fuck up.

"Kid, come on, defend your self, i don't want to kill you, please." Mark urged me, a guilt in his voice that made me sigh. he punched me making me fall. he straddled me and began to punch although they didn't hurt too much he was holding back.

"Kid tap out." he said.

i was about to give up and loose my first fight when i heard it. more like her. i turned my head and i saw her standing there, sweat glistening over her perfect body. she was panting and it looked like she had run here. her eyes were wide and looking at me with horror.

"SHANE! GET UP LIKE I TAUGHT YOU! Don't give up!" she urged, an urgency in her voice that sparked something in me. i turned to look into Mark's blue eyes. Mark turned to her and then back to me smiling.

"Ata boy." he said, then i managed to punch him off. i blocked a hit, sidestepped, dodged then sent a kick. Mark staggered back, but he not once stopped smiling. even when he tapped out he still smiled. the crowd went wild around me and i saw Mackenzie cheering me on. i smiled, but winced, my head still hurt. i shook it off then smiled.

"THE WINNER IS OUR OWN ROOKIE SHAAANNNEEE WIIIILLLDDDSSS!" the referee yelled and the crowd chanted my name, then they let me go. i walked over to mimi who was smiling at me.

"Well done, shane." she said. i could tell she was still mad, but at least she was talking to me now.

"You came." i said, then i wanted to slap my self. Way to go shane just state the obvious, smooth.

She chuckled and nodded."Yeah, sorry that i was late, i don't own a car and i ran late so i ran. I swear i tried." she said, and i smiled, nodding. She had remembered and came. that was all that mattered to me.

"Cool." she smiled then pointed in the direction of Cam who was beating the living hell out of this poor boxer.

"i'm gonna go watch. be right back." She said. i nodded, wiping away a smudge of sweat and blood. i was beginning to get creeped out by all the chicks staring at me so i walked out to the car to grab a shirt.

"Hey, fucker." someone hissed, making me stop and turn.


when i saw Shane go down i got so scared. i had run up to him and i saw how he was going to give up and it pissed me off so bad. how dare he. i wasn't going to let him.

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