Chapter 4

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SHANE's p.o.v

Holy crap! I turned to Cam who looked equally as shocked. We turned back to the scene before us. It was Mackenzie fighting two grown men, and winning.

She just easily darted between the men and easily landed hits. Finally after the fighting ended they both got up. One of the men hugged her then she turned our way. Her friend Valerie and her came walking towards Cam and I. I felt Mackenzie run right into me and I looked over to see Valerie blush when she looked at Cam who gave her a small smile.

Mackenzie I think told me to watch were I was going, but I couldn't be too sure, she just tugged Valerie along with her. Her friend smiled to Cam then offered me a small wave, before they disappeared into the locker room.

"What the fuck?" I finally blurted. Cam shrugged.

"I'm not surprised, she took down James and them, but I was just wondering how. Now I guess we know why." I shrugged then shook my head amazed.

"Alright you two on the mat. Front and center." Our coach thundered. I looked over and realized he was one of the men that Mackenzie was fighting.

"Holy crap! She took down Coach Ryan!" Cam said. I rolled my eyes.

"Why thank you captain obvious." He hit me upside the head and I chuckled. We both walked up to our coach. He was breathing hard and sweating.

"Wilds you ready for tomorrow?" I nodded.
"What time is it at?"
"Eight sharp." I nodded. Cool.
"But I want you to go tonight." I frowned.
"Why?" Coach raised an eyebrow.
"Because you're partner will be their and so will my daughter. My jaw dropped.

His daughter is one of the best women boxers, fighters ever. She hasn't lost a fight. Ever. I've been dying to meet her. I know I sound like a fan girl, but I'm dying to meet her. She's probably hot as fuck.

"Wait, partner? Cam is my partner." I said snapping out of my excitement. Coach shook his head.
"Nope. Not any more." He said gruffly. I frowned.
"Well who is?" I asked. I'm not happy. "No guy in this gym can fight me at the same level as Cam. Coach you know that!" I burst. It wasn't fair! Cam shifted on foot and nodded.
"He's right you know." He said softly, but the coach nodded.
"Yes, no guy, but I didn't say if it was a guy or girl now did I?" She said. I snorted.
"Like any chick could take me." I said cockily. Cam rolled his eyes and coach smirked.
"I'll have you know, my daughter isn't any girl, mr. Wilds, but if you don't feel like you would want her to compromise the safety of your pride, I'm more than sure that Mr. Cade wouldn't mind, am I right?" He said. I heard, Cam behind me snicker. I gapped at both of them.

"I only made this arrangement knowing that you have had fantasies of my daughter, so I thought you would like to meet her, better yet fight with her." He added as an after thought which mad Cam laugh behind me. I glared at him and he shrugged it off. I couldn't stay mad at him with his goofy smile and black and blue face.

"I'm going to be partners with your daughter?" I asked with slight excitement. He nodded.
"But then who will be my partner?" Cam asked.
"Her best friend. V-" he never finished because then he burst out,
"Valerie Adams!" I laughed because he had a love sick puppy look on his face. He's been fantasizing about her.
"Ooh, love struck!" I teased. He rolled his eyes then smiled.
"Oh yeah like you haven't had wet dreams bout Ryan." He smirked. I blushed then looked at coach who looked disgruntled.
"I'm gonna act like I didn't hear that, and go. Wilds and Cade I want you at the fight tonight. Also warm up you got fifteen minutes." He said and walked away.
So Cam and I did just that. An hour later we went to the fight.

When we pulled up I groaned. I didn't feel like coming here, but then again I can finally meet her. I have only been dreaming about it for years. I pictured her with blond straight hair, perfect body, tall and elegant, with blue eyes and freckles with tan skin.

I pictured her friend the same just brown eyes instead. I know I'm so judgemental, but I got a thing for blondes.

"Yo were there." Cam said. I nodded then we both went in. He trailed behind me so he can watch my back. You never know when someone will try and get you back for winning a fight. Once we were in we spotted spotted Oliver, one of our good friends. I waved at him, then turned to Cam who looked pale.

"Yo Oliver is here. You good?" He nodded.
"Yo I'm gonna go talk to someone, I'll be right back, he said. I shrugged then stride over to Oliver. He smiled, and I shook his hand.
"What up, wilds?" I shrugged, looking my friend up and down. He had tan skin, black hair and a jagged scar running down his face, due to some ass whole cheating during a fight.
"Nuttin much what about you?" Hey smiled.
" good, you fighting tonight?" I shook my head.
"Nope, just here to watch Ryan." I said. He smiled.
"My boy got a crush?" I shrugged.
"Nah, just cruising." I answered. He chuckled. I was turning around when I saw Cam talking to some one. She was blond and short. Her hair was frizzy and in a messy bun. Next to her was a black haired tan girl. She as talking to the referee. I frowned. I recognized them.
"Yo, Oliver, I'll catch you later." I said he nodded, and I made my way over to them. Before I made it she scurried away.

Right as I reached Cam the referee declared the fight starting. I frowned when I reached Cam . He didn't meet my eyes he just nodded. His mouth was in a tight line, jaw ground tight and worry plain on his bruised face.

"What?" I asked. He shook his head then heard a cry. I turned to see the fight. I couldn't see who it was because when I saw it was a giant girl in front of who I thought was Ryan just as I thought that Cam looked at me. He tugged me to the side, "can you do me a favor?" He asked.

"What is it?" I asked concern starting to gnaw at me. Why was he acting this way? Man if someone was messing with him I'm gonna go crazy wild on them.

"When you meet, Ryan, don't freak, or be a jack ass. Oh and don't tell anyone at school." He said and I frowned. But I nodded, and he sighed.

"ROUND THREE! Considering partner two is down this is the final round!" The referee called.
I whistled then a very sweaty Valerie strode up to us, she had a red mark on her jaw but other than that nothing.
"Yo, Shane wilds, nice to actually meet you, I'm Valerie Adams." She says grinning as I turn to Cam, my jaw on the floor.

"Holy shit! Where's Ryan?" I asked looking around.

"Mackenzie Ryan is in the ring at the moment." She said still breathing hard. Cam nodded to me then walked back.
"Mackenzie, like Mimi Mackenzie?" I asked. She nodded her hand on her hip.
"Holy shit!" I repeated. She chuckled.
"Hey that means you and Mimi are our partners in the gym." She frowned.
"What?" I nodded.
"Yeah, it's you and Cam, me and Mack." I said. Her eyebrows rose.
"Cool, hey can you not mention any thing at school, Mimi doesn't like attention from school. She is the nerd." She chuckled, but I nodded. We were quiet, when I caught her looking in the fight's direction. Her eyes were wide with fear and disbelief. That's when I heard the crowd go silent. I looked over, with a frown when I saw it.
I saw Mackenzie on the ground, with Juanita on top of her straddling her and punching. Mackenzie met my eyes, and all of a sudden I felt my heart stop. I don't know why, but I did. I screamed her name running forward. It took both Valerie and Valerie to hold me back. Her eyes held mine, then they steeled with determination and as if that got her into the fight, she turned back to her opponent with a defiant glare, then she grinned. She landed a solid punch, knocking the bigger girl off, viper fast she was ready then she delivered deadly kicks, and punches, then less than a minute later, Juanita fell over knocked out cold.

I stopped staring in awe of the girl before me. She might be small, but she was deadly. Breathing hard, not bothering wiping the blood off her face, she walked out of the circle after being declared winner. She briskly walked to Valerie then, turned away flying out of the fight corner. She walked to the parking lot, but I saw her waver, and limp. She was in pain. I looked at the bigger girl still unconscious and I noticed on her hand were brass knuckles full of blood. Worry pumped into me. That must have hurt. It looked like she was caught Mackenzie in the head, hard.

Following her I saw her go to the jeep and sway. Less than seconds later she began to fall.

"Oh shit!" I said, and ran to her. I caught her before she fell and her head lolled around. Her jaw was bruised, lip split, arms covered in bruises. I carried her to Cam's impala. I put her in the back. I closed the door then sent Cam a quick text.

"Yo taking Mackenzie home keys for Valerie in her car. Ride with her."

He quickly replied.

"Cool, meet you at your place. Is she ok?"

I sighed then looked at her.


Quickly I placed the keys in the ignition then revved out of the parking lot. Once we pulled up to my house I parked. It wasn't anything big. It was small. I wasn't rich. I was poor. Practically lived by my self. My mom was a drunk, so it was up to me to put food on the table. I opened the back door, and picked Mackenzie up then shut the door with my foot and walked up the steps. I unlocked the door, then shut it softly. Scurrying up the stairs to my room, I laid her down on the bed. Gently I shook her. She just rolled over, making her wince and her shirt rose. Was that-

I raised it and gasped. She was black and blue in different placed, five marks on each. It looked painful.

I pulled the shirt down ad shook her awake. She groaned, no doubt a head ache. She rubbed her aching jaw and looked around.

"Wh-what?" Then her eyes began to panic. Then her eyes landed on me.
"Sh-Shane? What? Where am I?" She asked, still confused.
"You're at my place, Mackenzie." I said. She frowned then stood up fast. From former experience a little too fast. She groaned and swayed falling forward. Quickly, I swooped in and caught her.

"Woah, careful." I said, steadying her. She chuckled.

"Sorry. How bad did I loose?" She whispered, looking down. I frowned.

"Ok, first of all, I just want to say, I love your fighting, big fan, and all. And second what the fuck are you talking about? You've never lost a fight." I said in a rush. She chuckled then smiled.

"So I guess you know my secret, right?" She smiled up at me. I had to say she wasn't what I was expecting, but almost even better. Well not right now.

"Yes. Yes I do. You were amazing out there, but you scared the shit out of me!" I said. She smiled then winced. She brought her hand to her lip, whose scab just ripped and was now bleeding.

"Damn." She hissed. I smiled then offered her my hand. She took it, warily watching me. I gently pulled her to her feet, but she grimaced and curled into her side.

"Shit!" I cried, reaching to grasp her. She yelped in pain and sagged into me.

"Damn! God!" She cried, gripping the fabric of my shirt.
"Ok, come on," I said, gathering her in my arms. I had an arm beneath her knees and one beneath her shoulders. She curled into my chest and I felt to wet spots on my shirt. She was crying.

"How bad did she beat me?" She said, muffled into my chest.

I chuckled. "She didn't. She didn't even come close." I reassured her. I walked into my bathroom and gently sat her down on my counter. Her head was still on my chest, and she was still grabbing my tee shirt. I grimaced, as her nails dug into my skin as well.

"Ok I'm going to need you to de-claw me, Mimi." I said chuckling. She let go immediately and looked down.

"Sorry." She mumbled, and I shrugged.
"You going to come to my match tomorrow right?" I asked her. She chuckled and nodded.

She finally looked up at me, and I couldn't help but grimace at the sight. She sighed.
"Is it that bad?" She asked, stressing. I scoffed.
"Psshh, no, not really, um, we'll, " I sighed then nodded as she glared at me, "yes. Yes it is." I finally said. She sighed and nodded. I put my finger beneath her chin and raised it. I looked down at her bruised face. Her bleeding lip. "It's nothing that I can't fix, plus you've been beaten harder." She chuckled at this.
"And how, sir, would you know that?" I shrugged turning from her to get the first aid crap from under my sink. See my parents don't know I fight professionally they think I'm just a bad kid who does nothing but fight and get drunk. Not saying I don't, I do do all those things, but I also fight pro. So, I have y own first aid, which me, or Cam use, to help the other.
I opened the plastic box and retrieved the a good four bandaids. I set aside some gauze and antibacterial liquid. From my drawer I got a soft wash cloth and moistened it.

"I know that because I practically have stalked your career." I answered. She laughed then sighed.

"I'm guessing I'm not what you expected, huh?" She said. I sighed nodding.
"That's an understatement. I didn't expect you to be the quiet, dare I say it, nerd." She chuckled, then shrugged, watching my wring the towel in my hands. I moved to her face and gently I began wiping all the grime, sweat and blood from her face.

"We'll, mr. Wilds, don't feel too bad, I've stalked your fighting career as well." She said. I raised an eyebrow. So she's known about me.

"If you knew who I was why didn't you say anything?" I asked still wiping her lip. She shrugged.

"I don't know, because we're so different." She answered. I frowned.

"How?" She looked at me like I was stupid.
"Well, you're the bad boy, I'm the nerd, you have like respect and the look. Me, I am practically stepped on." She said. I raised an eyebrow.

"I bet if they knew who you were than they would act different." I said. She nodded.
"True, but I guess I prefer to be invisible." She said. It was my turn to nod.
"Can I take a shower before you patch me back up?" She asked. I nodded then pointed the bathroom. "It's through there, um let me get you a towel and um stuff." I said. She smiled awkwardly and nodded.

I pushed off the counter then turned to go. I walked down the hall and reached for the door to the closet. I took out two towels, one white the other dark blue. When I returned back to the room, where Mackenzie was still sitting. I smiled at her then walked over to the bathroom. I turned on the water in the shower then set up her towels. I bent down under the sink and retrieved a brand new tooth brush.

I placed it on the sink for her then walked out. I smiled then cleared my throat making her turn to me.

"Ready." I said. She nodded then smiled walking to the bathroom.
I sat down on my bed then sighed thinking over what just happened.

As unmanly as it sounds, Mack scared me shitless when she almost lost. I hated seeing her fall down, getting hit repeatedly. There was a fury that lit my blood on fire. It took all my energy and self control and Cam's strength, to not go into the ring and beat the other chick's ass.

My view on the fighter Ryan, my somewhat idol, changed. Before I found it exciting, seeing her fight, seeing her challenge life. That was before I actually met her. Spoke to her, maybe twice, but it was enough for me. Now I was scared. Pure fear shot through me when I saw her falling in the alley. So pure that it made my blood freeze. When I held her and saw the extent of her injuries it honest to god scared me. Now, here she is, in my shower no less.

Considering I'm still a guy....

"Hey, Um, Shane?" A voice called out ripping me from my thoughts. I jumped then looked around to see Mackenzie standing by the door wrapped in a towel. I looked her up and down hungrily, she was FINE!

"Y, yeah."I said clearing my throat because it cracked.

"Can I borrow some clothes?" She asked. I nodded, then snapped out of it when I saw her bruised arms and back.

"Holy shit!" I cried walking up to her.

"Turn around." I said, and she sighed and turned letting me see her back. I grimaced. There were savage cuts and bruises. The bruised were shaped like knuckles.

"Damn, that looks like it hurts." I say stating the obvious.

She shrugged turning back to face me.

"I've been through worse." Was all she said, reminding me of the tough fighter she was. You have to be first in order to be ranked top women fighter.

"Here," I said grabbing one of my shirts and a pair of sweats for her. She smiled gratefully and took them. Sighing I sat down on my bed. That is when she walked out. God she looked hot in my clothes, especially since they were too big on her. I but a bandage on her forehead where there was a small cut. When I was done, I heard her stomach growl making me smile to my self.

"Hungry?" I tease making her blush. She smiled sheepishly which I found adorable. I grabbed her hand and tugged her down stairs. No one was home yet so I took her into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took out some ingredients.

"Hmm, what are we having, chef Wilds?" She asked leaning over the counter smiling at me, which I had to say was too fucking adorable. God, what was she doing to me?

"I, miss, Ryan, am making Breakfast for dinner." I answered smirking at her. She grinned at me then rolled her eyes. God she was so beautiful, I thought to myself as I cooked. So I had Mackenzie tell me about random shit like how her and Valerie are best buds. Her favorite color is yellow, because she loved the sun. Her favorite flower was an orchid. Her favorite dogs are dachshunds, her favorite animal is a wolf, her favorite cars are '67 Chevy impala and her favorite book is the Iliad by homer. I was secretly soaking this is as she babbled.

Finally after we ate and she said she loved it, which I was glad to hear, we want to my room and played the movie the Breakfast Club.We were on my bed, eating skittles. She said she hated the green ones and the purple ones which just happen to be my favorites. We were relaxing, throwing my arm around her. I was honestly happy. I was new at this too. I have never been near a girl like this. I haven't even been kissed yet which I found incredibly embarrassing. What can I say, I am waiting for the right one.

As the movie ended, Mackenzie rolled over and snuggled closer to me, her eyes were closed and her breathing even. I smiled because she was adorable when she was sleeping. I groped the bed in the dark trying to locate the remote. I shut off the tv then took off my jeans and my shirt so I was in my boxers and jumped in bed pulling the covers on us both.

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