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Ch. 13

"Shane! Come on! Let's go! We're gonna be late!" I growled slamming my fist on his bathroom door. I swear he takes longer than a girl to get ready.

"Who the fuck cares?" He shouted through the door. I groaned and slammed my fist ,hard, on the door, hard enough to leave a dent. Oops!

A second later I see Shane open the door with a surprised look. He had a tooth brush hanging out of the corner of his mouth and a little bit of toothpaste froth on the corners of his mouth and a smidgen at the bottom of his newly shaved face.

"What the hell, Mimi!" He cried. I couldn't help but giggle and shrugged my shoulders innocently.

"You almost broke the damn door!" I scoffed and waved him off.

"Pu-lease, I barely tapped it." I lied. He looked at me skeptically.

"What ever Mackenzie, let me just finish and well go." He said ducking back into the bathroom and spitting out the tooth paste. When he came out I smiled.

He had a stray clump of the toothpaste on the top of his lip that he must have missed.

"What is there something on my face?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

"What! Where?" He asked. I pointed to the spot on his face where it was at but he missed. Rolling my eyes I shook my head.

"Not there, look, here, let me do it, hold on. " with out thinking I reached up and wiped it off. When I pulled away I saw that he was blushing. Oops. I probably shouldn't have done that, maybe I was being a bit too obvious. He probably thinks I'm an even bigger weirdo then before.

He cleared his throat, and I blushed.

"So, um yeah, let's go!" He said all of a sudden then proceeded to drag me by my wrist out the door. I swear every one of his steps were ten of mine. I grumbled under my breath calling him a big headed giant while he just laughed.

When we finally get to school I see everyone staring at us. Why would they be looking at us? I followed some of their eyes and saw that they all were on Shane and I's hands. Shane's hand was still firmly wrapped around my own.

"Uh Shane?" I whispered to him. Shane grunted bending down so He could hear me better.

"Every one is staring." I said still looking around. She snorted and shrugged.

"Mimi, every one stares at us, it never bothered you in the ring, why should it bother you here?"he said. I rolled my eyes. He knew damn well why. I was a different person here at school, I wasn't supposed to stand out. I enjoyed blending in. Especially with my sister being who she is, a psychotic, vengeful bitch, I didn't have the luxury of being myself. Sure I'm a boxer and all, but one girl against the whole school, even for me those odds weren't in my favor. (no I'm not quoting hunger games -_- )

"Never mind just get me inside." I groan obviously stressed. Shane just throws his head back and laughs while wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I roll my eyes and can't help the smile that twitches itself on my lips.

"So you and mr. Hot-stuff, huh?" I look up at Valerie who's reclining against the metal locker by mine watching me through her thickly painted, black eyes. She sort of looked Indian, regal almost. Like a Indian princess that would cut your throat with out a second notice.

"What?" I ask in my oh so illiterate way.

"You and Shane, have you hooked up yet?" My jaw practically falls off. Hooked up? Wtf? I don't even like him! Ok so that's a tiny lie but still! Hooked up? Why would I hook up with him?

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