Chapter 7

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Ch. 7


"You bitch! Where the fuck were you!" I frowned turning around from my locker to see Valerie standing there smoke practically coming out from her nose. I smiled sweetly.

"What you mean?" She practically blew steam.

"You know exactly what I mean! I mean Cam had to come home with me! Da hell! Where were you!" She screamed. People in the halls frowned at us. Valerie turned and flipped them off. They all shook their heads and continued on their way to class. Valerie turned back to me, her hand on her hip, staring at me expectantly.

"So?" I sighed, grabbed my last notebook, pulled it to my chest then closed my locker.

"What do you want to know?" I began walking in the direction of my algebra class where I sit next to Shane.

"How about for starters, why are you grinning like a love sick looney tune?" Valerie asked walking with me. I frowned. "I wasn't smiling."

"Uh yeah you were, and you're blushing! Oh shit! You're blushing! What happened! Ooh you like him don't you!" She accused. I couldn't help the blush that blew up on my face.
"No I don't!" I saw Valerie grin. She poked my nose and giggled. And Valerie never giggles.
"You so do! Here I'll prove it! SHANE!" She said. I couldn't help the smile that crept itself on my face.

"Ha! See!" She pointed to my face. I tried to frown but it didn't work.

Hmm, two could play at this game. I grinned evilly.
"Cameron!" Immediately her face burnt and a small smile spread on her face.
"Ha! I win!" I cheered. She scowled at me.

"I was called?" Shane said randomly behind me. I gasped jumping, immediately, I swung to throw a blind punch, which he just easily stopped. I looked up to his smirk. I blushed, but didn't stop smiling.

"As was I?" I turned to see Cam next to Val, his arm strung around her shoulders. I saw Val blush and smile.

"As a matter of fact, no no you weren't." I said, crossing my arms across my chest. Shane grinned then he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed picking me up and twirling me around. I squealed, laughing and loving the way his arms felt.

"Alright let's get to class." Cam said finally. Shane shrugged, then we all headed off. We took our seats , Val sat in her normal place and I in mine. I grinned when cam sat next to Val. Just when I was hoping Shane would sit by me a stupid druggie did. He smirked at me smiling. I scoffed then proceeded to unpack my stuff.
"So, who beat ya so badly? Was it your boyfriend?" I turned and glared at him. Who the hell was he?
"You into BDSM?" My jaw dropped in horror da hell!
"No she isn't now can you please stop talking to her and get the fuck out of my seat." Growled Shane who looked murderous standing next to the boy, backpack in his fist as if threatening to use it like a weapon. This boy next to me gulped hard almost swallowing his Adam's apple. I smirked as the boy scurried away practically leaving a dust trail in his wake.

"My hero." I drawled amusedly. Shane rolled his eyes and sat down, but I noticed he winced. I laughed.

"What's wrong Wilds?" Shane shot me a playful glare.

"Well I'm practically dead! You are hard core!" He hissed since the bell wrong indicating class had started.

"Aw come on it wasn't so bad." I said smiling as I opened up my binder, set up the paper for the notes we usually had to take.

"Oh really, we'll tell that to my aching body." I smirked then shrugged.
"Hey you should thank me, those abs of yours were starting to get a little flabby." I said. It was a joke obliviously.

"That's not what you thought last night." My cheeks burned, but I couldn't help a giggle.

"Oh whatever." I smiled. At one point in class I had to kick Shane under the table because he had fallen asleep. It was hilarious. He practically fell on the floor. He glared at me rubbing his wounded leg.

"Aw did the whittle nerd hurt you?" I baby talked him.
"Ha ha. What ever. What was the answer to twenty one?" I rolled my eyes then handed him the paper. I had finished ten minutes ago. Yup lady and gents ninety questions in under fifteen minutes. Only thirty minutes to go. I pulled out my book until the bell rang. The rest of my classes were with out of lunch. I was headed to my locker. I was almost there when I felt someone push me hard. I yelped and fell forward into my locker. My head hit the metal and I felt. My vision had black spots and blurred. I saw Lindsey. A blond cheerleader. She wasn't captain, but she was the most popular and cruel. She had a murderous look to her. Evil glint in her blue eyes and perfect pink lips plastered into a sneer. Behind her were the four boys that I had fought.

"Not so tough by yourself huh, loser?" She sneered. I groaned trying to stand, but I fell back down, dizzy, I put my hand to my head and gasped when my hand pulled away filled with blood.

"That's a warning. Stay away from Shane he's mine. He just doesn't know it yet." Even through my haze I smirked. "Wow, way to sound like a creeper." She stalked to me and kicked me with her heeled clad feet. I groaned and she walked away the others following her. I groaned and lied there for a while gasping in pain. I groaned when i felt my phone buzz. moaning in pain, I pulled out my cell phone.
"Where are you!" I curled my body in itself, my head beginning to get fuzzy.

"By my locker, be right there." I answered. I began to breathe, preparing my self. I stumbled to my feet. put my stuff away then staggered to the cafeteria. I managed to wipe all the grime from the floor off of me, and I pulled my hoodie's sleeves down to cover myself. Didn't need anyone seeing the new cuts and bruises, although I highly doubt anyone would notice. I grabbed my wallet and began to shuffle to the cafeteria. when I had finally reached it, I pushed open the brown painted , metal doors and walked in. Just like usual, no one noticed my presence. I walked over to where Valerie and I normally sit. It was a small four person table except that there were three seats and at it was three people. Valerie sat facing me. she was turned to Cam who was laughing at something she had said. And with his back to me, sat Shane. I couldn't help but grin stupidly at him. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I made my way there. probably his fighting instincts, he turned and smiled. I waved as I walked over. I pouted hands on my hips.

"Where am i supposed to sit?" i whined. they all laughed and Shane got a wicked glint in his eye. before i could say anything, i felt him pull me to him. i blushed when i felt his arms around me, holding me down on his lap.

"i guess you know now." said Cam laughing I rolled my eyes, but Shane slapped him upside the head.

"You're just jealous all the women love me more." Shane boasted. Raising an eyebrow at him I not him upside the head. Shane yelped rubbing his head.
"What was that for?" He wined rubbing his head. I rolled my eyes.

"You know exactly why. Anyways what we gonna do after school, we going to the gym to warm up?" I took an apple that was in Shane's hand and took it. I rubbed it on my jeans then took a big bite. Shame pouted and I couldn't help but smile. His lip being stuck out like that, well, it's adorable.

"What?" I mumbled around my apple. His apple...
"That was my apple!" I rolled my eyes and shrugged.
"Oh well." I smiled smugly and continued to eat. I turned to Cam for the answer. He shrugged, his dark hair in his multi colored eyes.

"Sure, I get to see if Adams really is as good as it seems." He smirked at Valerie who rolled her eyes and flipped him off. Cam began laughing and Val did too. Awww they were so cute together. Personally I didn't find Cam's emo-ness attractive but Val did and I thought it was adorable.

The bell rang over us, and I saw Lindsey glaring at me from across the cafeteria. I looked away then went to stand up, but Shane's arms stopped me. He rested his head on my shoulder and I couldn't help but giggle. My neck was ticklish and his face was right in my most ticklish place.

"Haha stop- haha - it!" I squealed tapping his arms, it just made him laugh. He eventually let me go and I stood up.
"Wait for me it's history next, we'll walk together, I want to drink water." He said. I nodded. He smiled and turned to walk to the other side of the room. As he was walking I saw Lindsey smile and wave giving him a sultry way. He frowned nodded then kept walking. I couldn't help the snort that escaped me. She glared at me an I groaned. Damn it! I refused to fight her. I will not ruin the reputation I made. I mean yes, I can easily beat this bitch, but I wasn't. Because I was the bigger person and I swore I would only fight if she hit first, which she has, but I don't want attention on me, I rather blend in the background. She came forward her two head bitches next to her. She sneered at me.

"God you're so ugly. Marlin was right. You are pathetic, and Shane will never love you. Ever." I shrugged.
"I didn't ask for his love now did I?" I snapped, my temper was burning short. I don't know how much longer I can go with out beating this bitch.

"Yeah ok, tell yourself that." I frowned at her.
"Give up now and stay away from him. He's mine." I scowled.

"God you sound like a demented clingy psycho bitch." I hissed. She gasped, eyes widened and put it on her hip.
"Well lookie here, nerd girl's finally frowning some balls." I rolled my eyes scowling. She stepped closer all up in my face.
"Look, Mackenzie unless you want shit to get ugly. Back off." She hissed, then pushed by me. I hissed in pain as I felt my back twinge. Damn that shit still hurt, but it was better for my next fight next week, but this was going to be the first fight with Shane as my partner. I was nervous. I've only ever trusted Val. Did I trust Sane? I did. Enough to trust him to have my back in the ring? I'm not sure.

"You you ready?" Shane called jogging over. I smiled, pretending nothing happened and ran to the class room before the bell rang.


Sorry it's so short I promise to update soon. Please comment and tell me you're ideas, and please give me some links to some of your stories please vote thank you I love you all! ;)

Picture of Shane wilds =========================>

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