Chapter 11 (Mackenzie)

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Ch. 11


There are many things I hate, but only a few that I despise, even fewer I loath and only one I rancor and that's being woken up. It doesn't matter how you do it, or who you are, if you wake me up prepare to die. Simple as that, and anyone that knew me personally or even not personally they know, if they want to start the new apocalypse that even Jesus can't save you from, all they got to do is wake me up too early.

I had been sleeping so peacefully, nice and toasty having an excellent dream of beating up nazis while riding a unicorn then drinking moonshine in a dress during the prohibition time and flipping off George Washington.

Why did I have that particular dream, I don't know, but it was good and I was happy. It didn't matter if I was dreaming about dinosaurs, you don't fucking wake me up!

"Shah! Cam shut up! Hurry up! When she wakes up run." I heard a voice whisper with urgency. I growled in warning and fell back into sleep.

"Ready?" I pouted and snuggled my face into my pillow which was really warm and felt soft and smelled awesome. I felt arms circle around my waist and I remembered. It was Shane. That's right I fell asleep in his room last night. Heh, what ever. I started to picture him in my head in his boxing shorts and hands wrapped in tape with a mouth guard on. He looked fucking hot as fuck. I smirked running a hand on his chest loving the stubble under my fingers.


HOOONK HOOONK HOOOOOOOONK! I felt Shane jolt awake, suddenly positioning himself in front of me, his arms flying out to cover me. That was a touching move but right now, they woke the demon up and I saw red. Out of the corner of the room by the door I saw Valerie running like her life depended on it and cackling like a mad woman along with Cameron who looked scared. I leapt out of the bed ignoring the cry of surprise from Shane. I wasn't listening, right now I wanted to end them. Just like they ended my poor dream.

"Wait! Mackenzie!" I distantly heard Shane cry trying to catch up. I was sprinting down the flight of stares.

"Get back here bitch!" I screeched and Valerie screamed trying to run faster. I saw they took a turn and headed out of the front door, throwing it open. I took off following them.

"Wait!Mackenzie! Staaop!" I just growled and ran faster. We ran all down the street through the main intersection down to the gym where Valerie kept looking behind her then looking scared.

Ok right now I should probably explain what you would be seeing right now. You see a fully dressed cam and Val running followed by me who was in a tank top and short shorts and barefoot mind you being followed by a shirtless and pant less Shane with only boxers. Can you imagine seeing that on your way home from your supermarket. Yeah, therapy for life. I'm deeply and truly sorry you had to see that.

"Imma fucking kill you Valerie!" I screamed and went at her only to be caught by strong arms.

"Whoa there tiger, what's happening here? We were in bed a second ago!" Shane whined holding me to him. I surged to Val to be held against my will by Shane who I now fully and completely realize has no shirts or pants on, he's in only boxers. I wasn't doing any better either with my booty shorts and tank top. I looked around my anger diffusing and reality sank in.

We were in the gym now surrounded by the gym members who were all laughing and shaking their heads. My face turned bright red at the fact that I didn't have a bra on and I squealed turning in Shane's arms, who also was red in the face. I hid my chest in my folded arms and had Shane shield me. He pressed me to him tighter, and I saw him glaring at any of the guys who were looking at my short shorts.

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