Training and meeting a new friend.

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Friday August 22, 2300

8:59 am 

I had arrived about five minutes early and so did Constanta, she was wearing a brown and cream peasant dress that reached the floor, the bottom were moist from the morning dew. We sat on some wooden chair with a table with a built-in marble chessboard. Constanta kept looking down at her hands as she fiddled with her fingers. The doors opens and Wilfreda and Ilma walk through the doors out of breath, Wilfreda wearing a silk dress and Ilma wearing a blue dress that you could see had seen a lot of years. Ilma greets us after she catches her breath, but Wilfreda just sits down on one of the chairs and keeps her head up, ignoring the rest of us. Leonore walks into the room ten seconds before the clock strikes nine, wearing a normal green dress, nothing too fancy. When the clock does strike nine the Queen walks in gracefully, wearing a long puffy white dress.

 "I am glad you are all here, we will be starting with some etiquette, follow me," the Queens leads us through a couple of hallways and opens a door to a room with several loo tables. 

"Okay, everyone will sit at their own table and will demonstrate individually to me proper dining etiquette." Everyone showed her how they thought they should eat, and after that the Queen showed the ones who didn't know proper etiquette, who where Wilfreda, a noble, Leonore, a commoner, and Ilma, another commoner.

 Constanta had a great knowledge of etiquette which to say the little surprised me. 

"Hello, my name is Felizita," I introduce myself. 

She answers me with a charming voice, "Hello to you as well, my name is Constanta." 

"How come you know so much about dining etiquette?" 

"My mother always said that I would be a Queen, so she thought me etiquette and other things, as well," she answered my question easily.

As the Queen teaches the other girls on etiquette we kept getting to know her, everyday we would learn something new about eachother. I learned that she was nineteen and her birthday was on April 28th, and she learned I was sixteen and my birthday was November 11th. We became very close friends, she was like a sister to me, and I was like her only sister, since she was raised in a house of three boys, and her, the only girl. After three months Wilfreda and Leonore quit which only left Constanta, Ilma, I in the running to become Queen.

On spring day Constanta got really sick and had to stay home for a week. One day I brought her a bowl of potato-cabbage soup, it was a bit out of season, but it was worth it. When I arrived at the room, she shared with her little brothers. Her face lightens up when she saw me carrying the soup to her. After some time talking, she bent over to reach the nightstand next to her bed; she took out a fancy wooden box. 

She fixed herself on the bed and said, "I want you to have this, it is a very special heirloom, please keep it safe and always remember me and our friendship." I tried to convince her that everything would be all right and that I did not need the heirloom to remind me of our friendship, but she insisted on me keeping it, so I did. A week later she fell into a coma and died several days after when her parents couldn't afford the treatment to keep her alive. I remembered, once we promised each other when one of us became Queen the other would also be crowned as Queen and that there would be two Queens instead of one. I couldn't keep my promise so I bought myself a spaceship and ran away. I left a note to the Queen and my parents saying my goodbyes.



Saturday, September 27, 2301


Ugh, the people are still chasing after me, why won't they give me a beak. I mean I only stole a loaf of bread. As I try to reach the ship dock, where all the spaceships dock, I trip on my cloak and end up falling. I quickly get up before the small angry mob catches up to me. I find a ship with the door open, 'who would forget to close their door' it think to myself. I gradually and slyly slip into the ship, but I end up bumping into someone. I look down and see a girl with blue hair, pointed ears, and golden eyes. She looks at me with a confused look on her face. 

"Hello? What are you trying to do?" she asks me.

 "I'm looking for a ride," I answer truthfully. 

"Why?" she keeps prying, 

"'cause I am being followed by an angry mob, because I stole a loaf of bread" She keeps asking me questions and I answer as quickly as I can. She offers me, to go with her on adventures and I agree. She finally lets me in and we lift off to space.

Felizita Amsel


Saturday, September 27, 2301


I land on this planet called Marzati to fuel up. When I payed, I go inside the ship to the control room to lift off, when I notice I have left the door open. I go to the entrance and someone bumps into me. I look up at the person, he has jet-black hair that is parted in the middle but still falls on his eyes, he was also wearing a mask that cover the bottom half of his face. I ask him questions and it happens that he is poor and has no place to go so I let him travel with me. I start up the ship and we're off.

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