Preggers part:1

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Hello! I got nothing to say here :3

Star's PoV

    I called Marco as I browse my spell book for a random spell I could use because I'm bored!!! "Marco! Marco! I'm bored! Come over here!" I shouted spotting an unknown spell at the unknown spell chapter. It look very harmless but its name is splattered with blood all over it.
"What is it star? Im busy perfecting my ka-ra-tey" Marco said karate chopping the air.
"Well that can wait and sit" I pull him on my bed then lock the door and stand on front of him, I look at the book and do how it is instructed to do. I put my wand on the floor pointing the tip on Marco then put my hands on my hips and slowly slide it down my leg then slide it up my butt to the back of head while moving my body like a wave. the wand start to glow a pink shade.
"Star... I don't think this spell is a goo-" the wand hit us with a beam of pink light stoping Marco whatever he wanted to say and knock me down. I got up and Marco is taking off his clothes and his eyes is filled lust. I felt weak and strange feeling on my lower belly then my vision start to darken losing conscious.

Marco's Pov

I scream waking up from a wet dream that felt real and weird at the same time "that was weird..." I said to myself realizing I'm sleeping on my boxer and wetness on my lower half. I look under my blanket and my crotch area is covered in semen. 'Ohh... Fuck!' I said in my mind getting up to put my blanket and short on the washing machine then put on a pajama and white shirt while waiting for the washing machine to finish because it will stink if i don't put it on the dryer and let it sit over night. While waiting the lights at the kitchen turn on, I went their to look whose awake and its mom wearing her pink sleep wear making coffee. She looks at me "ohh Marco why are you awake early in the morning?" My mom ask making coffee.
I sat on the a chair laying my head down. "I had a dream that felt so real that I had sex, is that weird?" I said yawning sleepily trying to keep my eyes open.
"Sounds like a wet dream, that is normal and why don't you go back to bed and wake up later you look like a zombie trying to stay awake" my mom took a sip of her coffee while I walk back upstair to my room and just flop on the floor.

Star's PoV

I woke up very relaxed more than usual but then when I got to the bathroom I feel awfully sick like i'm going to throw up but nothing comes out, I took a shower hoping it'll go away by the time I get dress and it did. I went downstairs and see Marco eating cereal tho there is stacks of pancake just sitting there "morning Marco" I said as I sit and pull all the pancakes to me and drench it with all the syrup. "You okay star? You're putting all the syrup from the bottle" he asked eating his cereal while looking at me.
"Yeah I'm fine got problem with it?" I ate the pancake quickly in less than five minutes.
Marco lean on me putting his forehead on mine, I stared at his lips like I want a kiss so I tried leaning forward but he have move his face away from me and soon realize what I was thinking making me blush. "You don't seem to have fever but your face is red may be you should take a cold medicine just incase" he said reaching for the cabinet.
"That ikky stuff? No way! Plus I cant get cold or fever" I said backing away
"Because you're from newni? Thats not gonna work on me again" Marco put a spoonful of that disgusting stuff. "Nevah!" I point my wand at him.
"Fine if you don't i'll just stop making special nachos for you" he threaten
"Aghh! Fine give it to me but only for triangle food!" I drunk the medicine straight then drink a cup of water. "Now come on were gonna get late if we don't leave now" he hurried and grab our bag 'Marco's definition of late is not nodding at jackie'. When we got at school my stomach start to feel funny but i just ignored it.
Marco lean on his locker as jackie pass by. He nods at her. It kinda annoys me. During class i start eating cereal.
"For the last time don't eat in my class!" Ms. Skullnic yell at me.
"I can't help it I'm like super hungry all of a sudden like a starving hyaena" I took a handful of cereal and shove it in my mouth. "
"What are you pregnant or something?"
"Pfft. No" i said but my mind say yes...
"Detention now!" Ms. Skullnic sent me to the detention room and as usual janna is there.
"Hey star, what cha got yourself into?" She said standing up getting a handful of cereal out the box.
"Eating cereal in class"
"In Ms.skullnic class? Savage, I stole Marco's wallet and 10 keys." Janna dangle all the key and Marco's wallet
"Do you have a chocolate bar by any chance? And Marco's wallet I need it for more food" Janna pull out a chocolate bar and as soon i saw it I grab it and swallow the whole thing and put the wallet on my star bag.
"How is your boyfriend?" Janna ask.
"His not my boyfriend!" I shout denying it.
During lunch Marco pick me up from the detention I feel wobbly. "Star, you look terrible I think you should go home early" I throw up all the cereal I ate and the chocolate bar on a random nerd passing bye "I... I-I am fine" i collapse on the floor.

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