A walk

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Once you get your hands on a terrifyingly good game AHEMwitcherAHEM! You'll never see the light again... gotta fucking in to it couldn't stop playin till naught plus 'nother bloody game i gotta play agin... Crash bandicoot... The new
One... Now enough of this get riddin!!!


Marco's PoV

As i bike to the dojo i saw my dads car pass bye. I ring my bikes bell but it sound like the door bell. I watch em go then their car flip over after getting hit. I see it roll as glass shatter with blood. I was shock but everything kept sounding of the door bell thus awaking me. I lifted a book off my face thanking for whom ever ringing the bell. I stretch and walked up the door and opens it... A beauty with blonde hair and flustered face stands before me. I never notice that im taller than her... Maybe because im always sitting or gone. "What do you want?" I ask but she is frozen there. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah... Just put on some shirt... And here you drop this..." I grab my note book shes holding as i smirk. "You can go now before your eyes melt from staring." I close the door and just threw the notebook by the coffee table. Well im fucked... 110% sure she read it. The door bell rang again as i put on my typical red hoodie laying on the floor "im not in here!" I said wanting her to go as i got a busy not day ahead of me. Then the doorbell rang again and again.

"Open up dude! Your crush left already!" Janna who is ringing and banging on the door at the same time so i open up with the chain lock on.

"What do you want?" I ask as i see a crowd behind her giving me a himt what she want... To party on my house.

"Can we crash in?" She ask. Knew it!

"Find another place to trash" i close the door as some people boo. I unlock the door and grab a fake shotgun my dad made... Or actual shotgun? Dunno dont care. I came out holding it cocking it in front of the whole crowd of prep to jocks to you-name-it. "Get off my lawn!" I shout before someone tp my house... God i sound like an old man. "What are you gonna do, shoot us?"

"Yes... Yes i will" I pointed it toward him which made everyone start to scram. Janna on the other hand is begging.

"Aww come on dude. I know that is just some party confetti gun you dad made. Please let me party here..." I click the trigger and confetti did fire out...

"Fine... But your responsible for everything! Got that!" I point at her mad. I walk in i side and made sure a put bear traps on the stairs actual working bear traps! And breakable  stuff away chained and lock. "Alright line up! Pay up if you wanna party!" Im gonna be rich with a trashed house... As soon i spoke they walk in one by one paying up and none dare to cheat because of my reputation. After everyone has entered i counted the money but someone is still outside a sole lonely star.

"What are you doing on my porch?" I ask but she laughed.

"You sound like an old man." She said still laughing. I blush as how adorable she is. "The grumpy bad boy" she tease me.

"Shut up..." I turn away leaning by the door. "Are you going to party or not?" I ask but she nodded no.

"I'd rather not. I gotta go home." She stands up disappointed that she is leaving.

"Can i walk you? Don't wanna stay in a house full of stranger partying in the middle of the day" I ask putting away stack 0f stack of money inside my red hoodie that i don't know how it fitted... There is at least a thousand or so on me...

"Sure, thanks." We started to walk together a bit awkward because of the silence.

"Umm... Thanks for returning my notebook by the way." I said trying to break the ice.

"It was nothing. I should be the one thanking you for protecting me... The bad boy i despice." Ouch...

"Who was that guy?"

"My ex... Don't wanna talk about him."

"I understand." After a few turns we reached her house and i can hear the music playing from my house all the way here on her lawn... Wait! She live behind my house?! "You live here?! Behind my house?" I ask and she noded.

"Yeah, asked the same question earlier." She said as we just stand their.

"Wanna go somewhere instead?" And again she nodded. We didn't stay their any longer and went to a park.

Star's PoV

Oh my gush... Im walking with the bad boy but somehow i feel fine being next to him and i still despite him . Through out the walk we stayed silent and its awkward! "Tell me something about yourself." I ask just trying to break the ice.

"Like what?" He ask.


"Don't judge me im a lonely guy but i'm a fan of love sentence." He said shocking me.

"No way! Thought you'd be into rock or something." I giggled. "Bad boy with a soft hearth." He looked at me a bit annoyed though he looks cute. "I'm a fan of love sentence too."

"Oh, girl, you know I'd never mean to hurt ya
When you're sad, you know I'd never desert ya
Ooh-ooooh" we sang together in unison and laughed. As we walk we talked and talked about our interest and stuff. Damn Marco knows lot of thing and smart and yet he failed school! "So tell me safety kid, you ever dated someone?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Yeah... " he replied as a gloom start to replace his smile

"Sorry..." I apologize.

"No its fine. We dated when we were freshman years ago i was lovestruck back then. I gave loved her a lot... We go to dates, hang out, and sometime get to trouble... It was fun but sophomore year after summer things got bad. When i ask her to a date she refuse to when i try to hang with her she would say shes busy... Second term i caught her cheating... I was frustrated already so my anger took the best of me beat the guy to pulp and hit her few times..."
He said as we walk with his face turned to a sad dog. Poor guy. "What about you? Whats your story?" He ask.

"Me... My boyfriend met on a party. Sweet talk me a lot. months later his true nature showed up but i tolerated it then finally had enough after the last straw. Now he want us to get back together..." I said keeping it short.

"Love life sucks..." He said and we laughed at it. "Im hungry wanna grab some grub?" He ask.

"Sure" i replied and we went to this famous pizza place i never knew. Emilio's pizza. That was some good pizza plus he paid for it! Lucky! After that we explored the places and such till its almost dusk we had a great time a great way to spend a friday with a shirtless bad boy... He is wearing his red hoodie with no shirt! As he walk me home I could still hear the raving from his house. As i get in the house my mom and dad are home sitting by living room. I greet them with hugs then head upstairs to my room looking at the mirror with a head band he bought for me. I smiled and laid on my bed falling asleep quickly.

Marco's PoV

After dropping her off inside me i was cheering very very happy for the first time in years my mind is exploding and that is quickly stop when people are still partying on my house with stranger drunk and pass out on my lawn... I climb my fence and get to my room through the window. The next day downstairs is very messy with broken glass bottles, stinky vomits, trash, strangers sleeping, clothes ,and no surprise used condoms. I looked around for janna but she is gone. Well time to clean up. Later after cleaning inside and power hose then sterelize... Never let janna party here again.


End for this part bur there is more to come the big drama aint here yet and special lemon ➰〰➰👌

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