Preggers Part: 2

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Here is the second part of preggers

Star's PoV

I hid behind Marco trembling. He held my hands and whisper "it's okay i'm here." It calm me down a little.
My mom step up. "Marco, Star may one of you explain?" She ask.
"I'm sorry Queen butterfly for what I have done i'm willing to take the punishment" Marco kneel down.
"Brave of you Marco, I wan't to know why Star left her wand and specially why she have dimensional scissors and carelessly dropped it on her room, you will be sent to St. Olga depending on your answer"
"I ahh..." I don't know to answer Then Marco butt in.
"It's not her fault!" Marco butt in
"Please Marco stop defending her"
"No! It's my fault... It's better to get clean now than later... As you can see Star here is pregnant... I got her pregnant" everyone gasped in a dramatic way even Coco and Crunch while eating popcorn with some knights and Marco's parents.
"No, It's my fault for using the spell without knowing what it does"
"But it's my fault for dragging you here suddenly"
"But you we're panicking"
"I'm the father of your child I have to take responsibility of you and the baby"
"Enough! I heard enough I already see what is happening here, right river? River!" Mom said calling dad who is eating wampa fruits and trading crates of it from coco.
"Huh? Ohh! Yes, few more crates and its a deal" dad shook hand with coco.
"What I miss? Ohh! Yes dear" dad stand by mom which kinda reminds me of tawna and crash because of their height.
"Speaking of babies. Have star gone through the craving phase?" Mom ask marco
"Good, Star will be eating more than usual, well now lets all go home we will drop you off on our way" mom turn around and got on the carriage. We left as soon we said our goodbye to Coco and Crush, I thought its gonna be a big mess but nope!

Few days later.

Marco's PoV

Luckily its friday when we got back. We slept together on her bed in my house but something bothers me, when ever I look at Star who is sleeping something bothers me 'take responsibility...' I said to myself turning away from star. We are now back to school after a crazy business with the principal that involves a chest full of gold, axes, bows, and a pitchfork to get us back.
"Ready Star?" I ask holding her hands, I also notice her belly bump.
Star nods and we walk inside. As soon we step in people are staring at us. It made us uncomfortable. We still have at least more than half an hour left till class start when Ferguson and Alfonzo came to us.
"Dude! Where have you been!? We miss you." The two said in unison.
"Stranded on an island with Star"
Alfonzo wistle and say "you two been having some alone together time ey,  nudge nudge wink wink"
"We we're just stuck there plus i broke my legs so I can't do anything"
"Can't do anything huh then you must have thought of do-" Furgerson said getting cut by an announcement by Janna.
"Ahem! Just some quick announcement, welcome back Marco Diaz and Star Diaz and congratulation with your baby. that clip glossaryk trade with me for pudding was so wor-" janna is cut with a shout.
"Janna! Get out there you are getting a whole week detention!" We heard what the principle said through the microphone.
"Ohh... No" i said to myself as everyone gather up around us asking questions and some just straight out disgusted and Star felt pressured I can tell by her emotion. I remember what the school nurse said and step up. "Star need some space could you guys mind leaving us alone? Bell is about to ring" Everyone start to move back to their seats as the bell rings and Ms. Skullnic walks in "take a seat maggots, welcome back Mrs. and Mr. Diaz, open your textbook to page 666." The class went on like any normal day with star.

Star's PoV

When we got out of class for lunch break everyone are murmuring about us and when I opened my locker there is lot of letter and notes on our locker. A school bully is near by laughing at us.
"A slut and a whimp! Perfect combination!" He said laughing and everyone just stared. I feel bad like I wanna die.
"Star don't listen to him, lets go" we tried to walk away.
"I bet your baby is a whimpy slut when she grow up!" He shouted at us.
Marco had enough he walked to him lift him up by his collar choking him very angry with an intent to kill in his eyes. "We had a terrible day already! Star felt pressured with everyone talking about me and her negatively, I don't care what you all call me or talk about me. But when its star I will fucking kill you or anyone try to hurt her!" Marco slam him against the lockers and punch him in the gut making him groan in pain on the floor. Everyone in the hall was watching even people inside the classrooms are watching murmuring then scram when Marco turn around. "Lets go star"
"Thanks Marco, but you don't have to go that far"
"He deserved it" he said as he held my hands. The day went on and quickly the news spread and we got a new nickname Marco the overprotective lover and I got the pregnant slut which made me feel sad.
"Star is it necessary to use all my money to buy this much food?" He ask looking at stack of stacks of tray.
"Mhm. Im pregnant I need this to keep me and the baby healthy." I said as i drink cartons of chocolate milk. A little later Marco heard someone tease me though he is about three table a far. He rushed and does a flying kick on him sending him flying. "I assume you already heard about my warning" he said walking back to our table. i'm surprise no one told what happen or Marco getting in trouble maybe because of his previous nickname "Safety kid."
"Marco I'll be back" I went to the bathroom to take a leek but when i was washing my hands Brittney is there.
"Ugh is it Star Preggerface what a slutty girl!"
I never thought she is this harsh and that made me angry and out of nowhere i blast her face with narwhal blast then wen't back to Marco who is sitting with alfonzo, fergurason, janna and... Jackie who are sitting across him.

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