Dance with the devil

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Part 2 of "last of him"


Star's PoV

after leaving the man  at the balcony alone, right after he ask to dance... poor him, Tom and I danced together at the center to entertain my mom. "who was that?" he ask bit angry. 

"no one, dont know who he is." i replied as i carefully not step on his feet. as we dance i see my dad and his dad fighting, biting like hungry hyenas, and my mom watching at ease. after a little the music change and one of the high council join the dance, hekapoo the dimensional scissor enforcer partnered with the man earlier, drinking straight from the bottle. one significant thing i see on them is that there height and the way they move. like swan they are graceful, like rainbow they are majestic, they look like as if they are a couple. 

"ow... star" tom called after i accidentally step on his foot. "are you okay? you looking at the guy earlier... i dont like him. stay away from him." he said sounding a bit angry and jealous

"yes, im fine... your thinking too much " i replied as we have to change partner to anyone we bump to stay synchronize, as we switch i end up with the man earlier. i looked through the holes of his skull mask meeting his mocha brown eyes as a sense of familiarity hit me reminding me of the thief at the market. 

"hello again, princess" he said as we waltz around. i could not respond as im too distracted with his gentle gaze and touch. "hello?"

"huh? ohh.. hey." I replied moving my gaze away. "its you again." damn! i sound so cold. 

"ouch cold" he replied making a smirk sound. "that your fiance? he seem mad" he said shifting my gaze to the tom trying to escape from his partner whom an old clingy lady. i laugh a i little.

"no, we are not dating." i replied after getting twirled around. "asking too much question for a stranger." the song ended and we bowed to each other and to everyone as the room get filled with applause. after that my mom called us both over.

"hey, Star. i see you find yourself a man." hekapoo said handing the guy a glass of wine. I look over the man as he move his mask a little, revealing a mole on his left cheek under his eye, reminding me of thar certain personat the market. I squint my eyes at him. My eyes widen when it hit me... the fucking thief that push me. "This thief? Yeah we met at the market he shoved me" i said a bit mad yet satisfied.

"Ahem! Star entroduce yourself properly please" my mom said sounding elegant and high like always yet motherly.
I bow like a princess as he too bow back. "Princess Star butterfly, heir to the throne of mewni and the known rebel princess." I said adding that rebel princess with sas.

"Marco ubaldo diaz, dimension guard as i like to call myself but mostly i'm hekapoo's apprentice" marco said as he bow then hekapoo added something.

"And the well renowned Princess marco the rebel of the rebel princesses" hekapoo laugh as Marco blush and chuckle uneasily. "I cant believe you disguise yourself as a princess rather than going to that all prince school." Everyone in the group laugh. After a moment thr laughter ended and got more serious.

"Star." My mom called "star, the coucil will have a task for both of you and it will be crucial, you two will be send somewhere and must survive for two months, yes it is a survival task, you can use anything in your disposal to survive with out using dimensional scissor that is you marco but im sure you'll do well, star you must keep the wand safe as there are unknown creatures lurking, you'll begin when you two are ready and star... if you fail you wont inherit the crown... if you two try cheating we'll know" My mom said with a serious look then take a sip of wine as Marco just nod.

"I'll be ready when marco is ready"
I'm cutting it here because i cant seem to get stuck here so im skipping and sorry that i have not post any for long because school.

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