ECH War!

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ECH = Echo Creek High, just in case you don't get it. This story would be just regular. Have fun,
Marco's PoV

I rush to Ferg and hold him on my arm. "Alf! We have a man down!" I shouted.

"Its too late for me now..." He said coughing... "Never let the brotherhood down... Fight for us! Fulfill our dreams!" He said dying sticking is tongue out.
"Noooooooo!!!!!" I shouted "i shall avenge you brother!" I pick up my bag and gun and rush toward the girls who are screaming....

Reverse time skip?

In early morning Star and I are on our way to school when Alfonzo and Ferguson appear out of nowhere wearing some old rag, a fake beard and a mop on top of a stack desk. "A storm is brewing" alfonzo said raising his stick. "Good morning to the love birds" Ferg said getting down.

"Whats up with that?" I said and star laughed at them "you guys look awesome... And old sages!"

"We don't know, it just went to us" alf said getting down from stack desk.

Time skip

"Good morning class... Raise your hands if your not here." Ms.skullnic said like any other day. "I guess everyone is here... Cut to the point i want to give you all pop test! But this week our school will be doing something else... A competition between girls and boys yada yada yada... So have fun i'll be off for a vacation" Ms.skullnic left immediately then a chain of cheering throughout the school started. Few moments later everyone gather in the halls. "Attention students;": you all know to day is a special day, there would be total of four team 2 girls 2 boys. Two student will be nominated on girls and boys will have one because Jeremy definitely did not pay me to be a general. Have a fun time

"That brat" i said. "This thing is stupid"

"Don't be grumpy Marco it'll be fun" star said clinging on me.

"Yeah, Marco plus no homework and im taking star bye" janna stole star away.

"Come on dude you been nominated as general" Alfonzo drag me the other way from star.

Few minutes we been brought up the stage. To my right Star and surprisingly Britney then to my left that brat!
"You all know why there is four generals. We are having a paintball match because were gonna paint the school afterwards so why dont we have fun! For our girls side. Princess Star Butterfly, future queen of mewni she is trained to lead her people and army. Second Britney Wong from cheerleader a-" the principal said getting cut by her.

"Attention people! if you wanna win you better join my side! Boys you gonna lose!" Britney taunt.

"Okay... Next side the boys, we got safety kid, Veteran survivor of Magical conquest, getting him a dimensional scissors, and successor of Heckapoo, which mean advantage for safety kid... that what is saying on my source and the rich kid you know. Each team will have a flag to represent them. Now kids take your team!"

"No cheating Marco!" Star said.

"Same for you Star" i said back.

A whole hour took to get everything sort. Britney took the whole cheer leading squad and some other girls, majority of girls are in Star's side. In our side we are very little and Jeremy that sad little pricked used money.

"Everything is set! Each team shall look for their based you got the whole day to set up and everyone have limited amount of ammunition and weapons but could always get more, always wear protection anyone caught not wearing protection will be disqualified let the war begin!" The principle said then a huge roar outside boomed. "This game is sponsored by this blue man" glossaryk...

Narra's PoV

Its not hard for everyone to look for a base. Star took the tall building which Jeremy fought for and lose. Britney took the gym. Marco got the theater room and Jeremy the cafeteria. Breaking walls here everyone is cheating except britney. Star enchanted everyone. Jeremy bought cannons. Marco sent his twenty two people to another dimension to master the art of paint balls and stuff and to waste time.

Star's PoV

I gather the girls and appointed four leading commander. Jackie the cavalry, Janna the gorilla fighter, starfan13 as guards, and Ponyhead has the battalion. Yes i got her help. "Everyone, the game is about to get messy. Janna i need you to get ahead and set up traps"
"Roger that, princess"
"ponyhead charge with the battalion after the enemy pass this area charge after the enemy"
"Don't worry star i know what to do"
"Jackie i want you to take care of people behind enemy line"
"Ride like the wind"
"If we do our jobs right victory shall be ours!"
Everyone cheered.
"Death to the enemies! To the boys! What?" Janna shouted and everyone looked at her. I enchanted everyone with with great speed after sending them off.

Marco's PoV
"You'll may know that we might lose so we will train ourselves!" I said standing on a desk.
"How we gonna do that?" Some guy ask.
"By this" i took my scissor and open a rift.
"Wouldn't that be cheating and so much time?" Another person ask.
"Really? Jeremy just got delivery of canons, star is using magic, and Britney they lose already" i replied walking through then everyone followed me. We stayed their for 32 years equal to 8 minute of earth time.

Time skip for 8 minutes.

After years of years of extensive training we are now ready. We formed ranks of five and march through the portal. We have forgotten alot about our time in Earth. As soon as we step through we said "my perfect buds!" In unison. "Enough crying! Form ranks! We got war to win! For the Brotherhood!" I shouted saluting in our salute. "For the brotherhood!" Everyone scream and chanted doing solute with me.

Star's PoV

"For the Star empire!" I raised my wand and start chanting with everyone!

Narra's PoV

Everyone had name their group. Jeremy's group is Money guild, Britney's is just cheerleaders and others, Star's group is Star empire, and finally Marco's group is Brotherhood.
The war begins!

To be continued :>

Anyone wanna guess who will win?

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