4: Do You Love Me More?

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*Alexis' pov*

I laid in my bed tossing and turning. I didn't want to think about the Red Stars, but they somehow slipped into my mind. I could understand taking Dad; even if we loved him he could still be an upright jerk. Yet Mom was too nice and kind. I didn't see why anyone would want to hurt her, besides her putting them in jail. I couldn't sleep, so I went downstairs to get a drink of water. I had the cup in hand, and I turned to see Dad walking in the kitchen.

"Alexis, what are you doing up?" he asked me.

"I couldn't sleep," I answered looking down at the glass. I felt silly, I was being kept up by tales my parents told. But wouldn't you if those scary stories were real?

"Still upset about what we told you?"

"Yeah. I just don't want to think about you and Mom being gone. Yet I know it it going to happen, isn't it?"

"I wish I could say no."



"Can you, maybe, stay up with me, just for a bit?" 

"Of course Alexis. Do you want to sit in the living room?"

"Yes please."

He took my hand and lead me to the couch. I crawled up on it, and he placed a blanket on my shoulders. I cuddled up to him and he hugged me. He didn't say a word, he just let me lay on him and drift off to sleep. I looked up, but Dad was in another world of thought like he usually is. I couldn't even begin to think what he was wondering or thinking. It was hard to piece together what the great Patrick Jane was thinking when he was on to something. Yet my own thoughts set in has I looked at him, and a question I always had crept into my mind.

"Dad?" I asked, the question burning in my head. I know I shouldn't ask it, but I just had to, and if I didn't, it wouldn't leave me alone.

"Yes Alexis?" he asked back looking down at me. I sighed and took his hand, feeling the cold ring on it.

"Do you love me has much has your first daughter?" It was a question I could see surprised him, and I didn't want him to feel hurt. "It was a question that just popped into my mind that I had to say out loud. You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"What if I want to?"

"Do you?"

"Yes, because I think you need to hear what I feel. I love Charlotte very much, and I always will have a place for her in my heart. But you, Alexis, take up most of that room with your brother and mother. I do still love them, but I could never love anyone more than you. Okay?"

"Thanks Dad," I said hugging him more. He ran his hand through my hair, and it felt good. I soon feel asleep with him still holding me in his arms.


"Patrick, Alexis, wake up," someone said shacking my arm. I opened my eyes to see Mom looking down at me with a smile. Sunlight found its way into the living room even with the curtains closed. I felt Dad pat my arm and I sat up, looking at them both. Brayson must still been asleep, like usually. Dad stood up and went upstairs to change.

"Did you have fun sleeping with your father?" Mom asked me with a smile. I got up and got down a pan, and looked at her with a smile.

"I did," I answered. "Now you go put your feet up or something. I'll cook breakfast for you."

"If you want to, but I don't think I can rest too much."

"Why not?"


"Mom, do you have to go to work today? What if they take you and Dad?"

"You know I don't have a say in when I work and when I don't. Patrick might get a little more free time since he dosen't really work there, but I have too. I'm sorry baby."

"I understand. Maybe it's just my fear talking."

"Will it help to know they scare me more than they scare you?"

"I would want them too scare you more. I haven't been taken from them. What happened after you got back from them?"

"Well I was taken to a hospital to be treated. Since I had some kind of poison in me I had to stay so I got better, and I also had wounds that I have scares from still. In the hospital you father asked me to marry him, and I told him what happened. When I got out he bought this house and we lived in it together. Not much happened besides me having two wonderful children. Why?"

"Cause I want to hear you had a happy ending when it was all over so I know you have a happy ending this time."

"I promise I will."

"You will what?" Brayson asked walking into the room. His hair was a total bed head, and his blue eyes had sleep in them.

"I will have a happy ending," Mom answered, and he didn't say a word. Mom sat down and made Dad a cup of tea. She then got herself a cup of coffee, something most people drink in the morning. Then again, Dad wasn't very normal, and I don't think he ever will. I cracked a few eggs and started to make those. I looked in the freezer to see what we have, but all I found was bacon, so I made those too. When I was done Mom, Dad, and Brayson were all talking about something.

"Mom, can you give me a hand?" I asked her, and she stood up and helped. Soon the meal was over with, and Mom and Dad were ready to go to work.

"I really wish you didn't have to go," I told Mom hugging her.

"I do too," she replied. "How about we spend a little time together, just you and me?"

"Can we?"

"If you want me to, I will."

"Thanks Mom!"

"You're welcome. Good bye Brayson,"

"Bye Mom, see you later," he said kissing her cheek. I went up to Dad and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Good bye Dad," I said making him smile.

"Good bye Alexis," he said back. Then Mom and Dad left in the car.

"So what do you want to do?" Brayson asked sitting down. It was a Saturday morning, so no school.

"How about we hang around here today?" I asked back, and Brayson lend back into his chair. I rolled my eyes and sat down to a day of doing nothing.

 So that happened! I don't really know what to talk about... 

OH WAIT! My great friend _DatWriterChick made me a trailer! It's for RM, but that is amazing none the less! It's on the side, and you can love it like I do! Also if you want to know what songs help me get into the mood for these books, go look up the playlist called the R series. Not many, but still help me get into the mood. First three are more for Patrick and Missy, the rest besides one other are for Brayson and Alexis. Hope you like it. Peace out my Stars! 

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