11: I'll See You Later

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*Brayson's pov* 

I was asleep when I got the call. The phone was ringing, and I looked at the number. I was surprised when it was Mom's phone calling me. I sat up quickly and answered it. 

"Mom?" I asked the other person. I heard a man' laugh, and it wasn't Dad's. It was someone I never meant. 

"I'm afraid not Brayson Jane," the man told me, and I felt sad. I thought it was Mom. Then a thought came to me: how did this man get Mom's phone. 

"Who is this?" I asked, and the man laughed again. 

"I'm Bill Pint," he answered. "Leader of the Red Stars." 

"You took Mom and Dad." 

"I did. I just wish to talk, that is all. Nothing more than that." 

"Why do you want to talk to me?" 

"To see how great Missy and Patrick Jane's child really is. Your mother has told me a lot about you, you know. So many things while crying." 

"What have you done to her?" 

"Why must I have done something to her?" 

"She wouldn't tell you anything unless you did something to her." 

"You have me there. I had a taser laying around in the room where she was at. I simply used it on her until she told me about her son and daughter. It was quite easy come to think of it." 

"You monster," I growled tears coming into my eyes. I couldn't even think about a woman like Mom being tasered until she talked about something she held close to her heart. The pain was too great. 

"My child, you have no idea. Now, what do you think I have done to your father?" 

"You better have done nothing to him!" 

"That is where you are wrong. Though the pain was more mental than physical." 

"What did you do to him?" 

"I made him watch his wife be hurt with no way of helping. He couldn't talk to her or even touch her. I don't know a pain greater than that, do you?" 

"What do you want from them?" I asked not able to stand hearing what this man did to my parents. 

"I have always wanted Missy has my own, but sadly, another man took her. Patrick, to be truthful. So I have decide to show them both how much I hate for my things to be taken." 

"Will I ever see them again?" 

"Maybe. It all depends on if you find them or not." 

"I can't find them." 

"I suggest you do or else you will never see your mother and father again. Would you like to speak to them?" 

"I would." 

"Then you may." 

I heard a shuffling noise that kind of sounded like someone opening a door. I waited for someone to speak, and I looked at the time. It was almost two in the morning, so Mom and Dad would be asleep if they could fall asleep. 

"Hello?" Mom's calm, sweet voice said in the phone. Her voice was beautiful, but I could hear the pain, the tiredness, the worry. I had even more tears in my eyes. 

"Mom," I cried, and she was quite for a moment. 

"Brayson?" she asked. 

"Yeah, it's me." 

"Oh Brayson, are you okay? Did Lisbon find you or Alexis?" 

"Alexis. Look Mom, about the other night, I'm sorry. You and Dad were right, I was just mad. I guess it was just teen stuff. I didn't mean any of the things I said, and I just want to take them back." 

"I know sweetie. I'll agree to forget about it if you do." 

"What about Dad?" 

"He will forgive you, but we both know he can't forget anything." 

"You're right. Are you and Dad okay?" 

"I suppose." 

"Mom, the man said I had to find you. What do I do?" 

"You have two chooses. You can either stay with Louis, wait until Lisbon finds us. That might take longer and if she finds us I can't promise it will be alive. He is making sure she can't find us without you and Alexis. The other is that you can tell Lisbon about this call. You tell her that you spoke with both Patrick and I, and you tell her that you both have to help. It's not up to me what you do, but I would rather you do what you feel is right." 

"Okay. Is Dad there?" 

"He is." 

"Can I talk to him?" 

"Of course." I heard once again the phone be given to someone else. 

"Brayson?" Dad asked. I smiled at the sound of his voice. 

"Hi Dad," I answered. 

"Are you and Alexis okay? Did you get to Louis' house alright?" 

"Yeah Dad. We're fine. Are you?" 

"Has fine has I can be after everything that has happened. I'm a tough person, well kind of." 

"Haha, sure you are Dad, sure you are." 

"I am!" 

"Dad, do you have any tips to finding you?" 

"Look at every place you can. If you think you have checked it enough, check it one more time. If you even see the slightest thing off, it could be a clue. The key is to look. There is no such thing has the perfect crime. I don't know what else to tell you." 

"I think that was enough. Thanks Dad." 

"Brayson, I have a big scary man telling me to get off the phone. Remember that your mother and I both love you very much Brayson. Don't forget that. Tell your sister the same thing, and please don't loss fate. We won't. Good bye Brayson." 



"Good bye means forever Dad. I'll see you later." 

"I'll see you later, then. I love you." 

"I love you both." 

I heard the phone be taken from him and the call ended. I hugged my knees thinking about them, and I started to cry. I got out of bed and went downstairs to find Lisbon's number. She gave it to Louis in case something happened, and I couldn't wait till tomorrow to get a hold of her. I pressed the numbers and I heard the phone ring. I heard the phone pick up, and a tired hello. 

"Lisbon," I said thinking back on it. "I just got a call from the Red Stars. I'm sorry to waking you up, but I had to tell you about it now." 

"What did they say?" Lisbon asked. 

"They said I had to find Mom and Dad, then they let me talk to them. Mom said to tell you that they both need Alexis and I to work on the case or else they won't be allowed to live." 

She was thinking. I knew that from the pause. "Alright," she answered. "Tomorrow after you two go to school come straight here. I'll have to get you caught up, then you can help. If at any moment it looks like the Red Stars are going to come after you, you both are off the case. Got it?" 

"Yes Lisbon." 

"Good. Now go back to sleep Brayson," she told me hanging up. I sighed and crawled back in bed, wondering how long it will be until I can get my parents back.  

I feel so mean. I want to hit myself how mean I am, haha. So how was it? Let me know. On the side you can see the trailer for the Red Stars. I love it, so amazing. Made by @_DatWriterChick, my best friend on here. Amazing person. So look at the trailer please. Peace out my Stars! 

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