19: Where the Tree Cries

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*Brayson's pov* 

"Brayson?" I hear Alexis ask me. I stand up and I open the door for her. She walks in and sits down in one of the chairs. 

"Yes?" I asked her and she looked up at me. 

"The Red Stars just called me," she tells me and I look at her. I sit down next to her and I take her hand. 

"What did they say?" 

"They gave me a riddle to solve. If I solve it than it is where Mom and Dad are going to be." 

"What is the riddle?" 

"Look for the tree that cries green tears and has many needles in its side. What does that even mean?" 

"Let me think about it. Alexis, could you organize those papers for me?" 

"Sure," she says picking them up. I look at the map and think about the place they can be. A tree that cries. This is the key part of it. How can a tree cry anything, let alone green tears? I look at all the things of the files I have read. Tree that cries, tree that cries. I look up at my sister and she is holding a picture of a tree from the papers. I look at the long breaches and the green leaves. It looks like green tears. I smile at the picture and I know what the tree is. 

"A weeping willow," I tell her and she looks at me with confusion. 

"What about a weeping willow?" Alexis asks. 

"A tree that cries green tears! The only tree with a form of crying in its name is the weeping willow, and the leaves look like green tears! If only I knew what needles in its side means." 

"A pine tree," she says and I look up. 


"The only tree with needles on it is a pine tree." 

"Alexis, you're right!" 

"Where is there a place with a weeping willow next to pine trees?" 

"I'll have to look. Let's see," I say typing it in to Google, hoping that it will tell me where in California there is one. Please be close, please be close! I look at the places and see one that answers me. I click on the name and read a little bit about it, and glace at the name of the owner of the park. James Bill Pines. I smile at the name. We are so close now, all I have to do is find it on the map and get the clues to Lisbon. I find it on my map and I take Alexis' hand in mine. 

"Did you find it?" she asks as I drag her down to Lisbon's office. 

"Yes, I did!" I tell her and I knock on the door. Lisbon, who is with Cho, looks up and me and smiles. 

"Yes Brayson?" she asks and I place the files on her desk. 

"I know where they are," I tell her and Lisbon looks up at me, has does Cho. 

"You do?" Cho ask and I nod. 

"They told Alexis to look where a tree cries green tears and has needles in its side." 

"A tree that cries is a weeping willow," Alexis explains, "and a tree with needles is a pine tree." 

"The only place where I can find is here," I say pointing at a location on the map, "and it is owned by the leader of the Red Stars himself. It is the perfect place to keep Mom and Dad." 

Lisbon looks at it for a while. She doesn't say a word about it, and I feel like I can see and hear the gears turning in her head. She is putting the pieces together and than she smiles at me and looks at Cho. 

"Cho, go tell Rigsby and VanPelt to get ready to rescue Thomas and Jane. I'll get more people ready to do this. I don't know if it will be like last time, but remember that there are two lives on the line, and both of them are our own. Understand?" 

"Yes boss," Cho says and he walks out of the room. Lisbon picks up her phone and looks at us. 

"You kids go home and I will call you when we find them," she tells us, and before we can say anything she holds up her hand. "I know you want to be there when we find them, but I know that Thomas will kick my ass if I let you anywhere near that place before hand." 

"Alright Lisbon," I say and I take Alexis' hand in mine. We walk out of the CBI base and drive to Louis' house. I tell Alexis to start packing since Mom and Dad will be home soon. She smiles and does has I say. Than she holds up a disk. 

"Dad's story?" she asks and I smile at her. 

"Why not?" I ask back and we sit down, not knowing what we are going to hear from it. I hope it is fine. I hope. 

So who won? No one. So I don't have much to say about anything at the moment. Nothing at all. Well, let me know what you think, and I'll have something to tell you later. Sorry for the sucky ending, couldn't think of anything better. Peace out my Stars! 

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