13: The Truth Comes Out

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*Brayson's pov* 

"So where do you think they are?" Kasey asked me. We were sitting at the lunch table, just her and I. I told her all about Mom and Dad hoping she would ease the pain. She was, but I could see that she wanted to try and help.

"I don't know," I answered. "The Red Stars aren't leaving us any clues to help with the case. I wish Dad was still here. He would know what to do and where to find Mom."

"Brayson, I know you will find them."


"You don't stop until you get what you want. It's just in you."

"No one has ever said I was like that. They always say I give up before I ever get it."

"Even if that is true, which it isn't, this is your parents life on the line. You won't give up until you find them, even if you are angry at them. You are too nice to do that to them."

"Thanks Kasey," I told her kissing her. The bell rang and I sighed. I got up getting ready to go to English three. I knew Dad loved to hear what books we were reading and stuff like that. He was the only person I knew who could say whole plays without looking at it. He even told me that once he solved a crime while preforming Hamlet. I sighed again missing Dad even more than ever at that moment. 


"So are you ready to find Mom and Dad?" Alexis asked me getting into the car. I smiled at her and pulled out of the school parking lot to go. I figured that meant yes. We got to the base verily quickly, and I walked in to see the rest of the team around a screen. I walked over to see a map of the city. It had those marks on it, and other things. Cho stood up and put the same type of tacks on a map on the wall. Lisbon looked up at us and then went back to the map. 

"What is this?" Alexis asked her. She sighed. 

"All the attacks from the Red Stars in California," she answered. It was a lot. "All from Thomas' notes." 

"Mom kept notes on them?" I asked and VanPelt nodded. 

"I didn't think anyone would keep this much on a group or person since Jane started looking for Red John," she said looking at some files next to her computer. I picked one of the pieces of paper on top and say a picture. It had six red stars on it, and like a child was writing the words. In pen it said Tim's Magic Show. In much better handwriting said Come see it! and Five dollars. The paper looked a little old and showed signs of it being folded at one point. It had spots that looked like tears had been placed on it, and then it was crumpled. Why would Mom have this?

"Who is Tim?" Alexis asked and Lisbon looked up. She looked at the picture then went back to what she had been doing. 

"I don't know who Tim was," Lisbon answered. "All I know is that those are Thomas' tears on it." 

I looked at it for a long time. I thought back on all the stories Mom ever told me, and then I knew who Tim was. His full name was Timothy Thomas, Mom's father. Why did he use the logo of the Red Stars for is sign? Why would he use them and have Mom write on the sign? Mom told me that her mother and father had a divorce a long time ago after she was six. Her mother left Missy to Tim and then went off to have another husband and kid. Missy grew closer to her mother after Tim died. Then a thought hit me. It was crazy, but maybe that is why Mom was now in the hands of the Red Stars. 

"He was part of them," I said looking at the paper. Lisbon looked up at me, has did Alexis. It was too much. I fell onto Dad's couch still looking at the paper. Rigsby come over to see if I was okay. "He is the reason she is gone," I whispered and Alexis took the paper. 

"Who?" she asked. 

"Grandpa Tim," I answered. 

"What about him?" Cho asked and I looked at the paper in Alexis' hand. 

"He was part of the Red Stars," I answered. "He was part of them, and now Mom is in their hands." 

"That's impossible," VanPelt said looking at me. 

"How long have the Red Stars been around?" I asked. 

"Longer than any of us has been alive," Rigsby answered me, then took the picture in Alexis' hands. He looked at it for a bit. "It can't really be true, can it?" 

"Maybe that is why Thomas had it," Lisbon thought, then a person was clapping. We looked up to see a man in a mask was on one of the computer screens. He was smiling, and behind him was Mom, looking upset. 

"I knew you would be a good chose to find them," the man said. I walked over to him, Alexis close behind. 

"Mom!" she cried looking at her. Mom smiled, but I could see that something was troubling her. 

"Why don't you tell them the truth Missy," the man said pushing Mom forward. 

"Mom, is it true?" I asked taking the picture from Rigsby. 

"It is," she answered. 

"How?" Alexis asked. Mom shock her head. 

"I didn't even know," she said looking at it. "I never figured it out until they took me a second time. Over the years I wondered how they knew so much about me. I wonder how they even knew me to begin with. Then one day after Bill was released I got letter. I opened it to one of Dad's posters for his magic show. I didn't think much of it until I saw the six red stars I drew for him, and then a note on it. 'He was part of our group and sold you long ago,' it said. I didn't want to believe it. Yet I knew it was true. He loved me, but he was more in love with his group than he was with me. I cried, I was hurt, I crumbled it up, then added it to my notes." 

"Mom," I said, but the man pushed her away before I could say anything else. He smiled at me. 

"Tick tock, tick tock," he said and the video went dead. I looked at the others and sighed. I didn't know if I could find them, but I was going to try. I placed the picture on the table and went to work. 

Damn, I just made that happen. I did not even know I could do that! Haha, so me and my friend, being the idiots we are, have found the perfect way for Missy to come into the show! She could have been an old friend of Jane's (Yeah, shocking he had friends!) and is now a sheriff. She is at the crime scene and they start to talk. Over time she becomes a part of the team, shit goes down. Maybe make some of my story in it. who knows. But I want this to happen, I want to see Missy and Jane kiss! Haha, I call him Jane a lot. I have had to go back and change it a bunch of times, I'm not kidding you. Oh, and if you really want to be nice, you could wish me a happy birthday. Haha, peace out my Stars! 

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