02. The Wolf and Ryan

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The sunshine streaming through my window gave me an early start. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes, yawning. Letting my hands fall, I glanced at the window and smiled. No need for alarms, the sun would be my wakeup call.

I slid out from under my covers and checked the time. It was 6:30. Yeah nobody's awake. Even though we still had to unpack, it was a Sunday. No one got up before 11:30. Well besides me of course. But I have always been an early riser. Which was odd, because I liked sleep, I really liked sleep, and I stay up like half the night so it's like I'm supposed to be sleep deprived but nope. Wide awake.

I padded across my room, grabbing a pillow off my bed and laying it across my daybed. I got myself comfortable and leaned on the wall. The window gave me a perfect view of the backyard.

Our backyard expanded into a large forest. Ooh. I liked forests. I've always loved the feeling of running through a forest-well correction: I'm pretty sure I would love the feeling. This was probably the first time I'd actually seen a forest. In real life of course.

Suddenly an idea popped into my head. We hadn't yet set an alarm and if I was quiet enough, I could sneak out and go explore the forest! I've been a natural rule breaker all my life so I wasn't a tad bit worried of the consequences. I mean I've done it before. Well not in a forest but I've definitely snuck out before.

I jumped off my daybed and ran over to my backpack which held all of my necessities. Oreos, Cheese itz, Licorice, my phone charger, headphones, phone, and clothes. And yes that was all in order of importance and vitality.

I reached in for my extra pair of clothes and changed quickly; pulling on my dark skinny jeans, pink tabletop, and black combat boots. I laced them up and grabbed my phone, slipping it into my back pocket. I plugged in the headphones and let them hang over my shoulder, as I debated whether to leave a note or not. Don't get me wrong, I loved the adrenaline of getting in trouble, but I also planned on staying out much longer than usual.

Going against my better judgment, I found a small pad of paper and pen in the pocket of my back pack and quickly jotted down a note.

Going out on a run
Be back soon

I tucked the pen and pad back in its cozy pocket and quietly opened and closed my door. I tiptoed across the four door corridor, past the master bedroom, past Derek's room and down the stairs. I left the note on the counter and exited the house.

Outside, the wind blew my hair out of my face, giving the day a nice mix between blazing hot and freezing cold. Ah a perfect day to go exploring. I walked around the house and headed toward the forest. I was about to play some music when I realized how stupid that would be, so I stuffed them in my pocket instead.

The woods were, fortunately, not completely covered by undergrowth, so I could actually see where I was going. Now that I thought about it, I had no idea why I wanted to be in the woods. I mean, I hated bugs-especially spiders, they were creepy little bastards-and all the stickers that were getting stuck to my jeans. Those were not enjoyable.

My grumbling stopped when I came up to a path in the woods that led who knows where. Okay, now I was excited. I wiped all the stickers off and took off running down the path. This was the feeling I really enjoyed. The wind in my hair, the blur of the trees as I ran past with speed I didn't know I possessed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could have sworn I saw something running beside me. It definitely wasn't a person or a human for that matter. Suddenly I found myself running faster and faster as to get away from whatever it was. It kept pace with me though.

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