25. The Big Day

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Ahhhhhhh THE WEDDING Sorry guys I'm flipping out! Second to last chapter and they're getting married!!!! <3 Oh and warning these last two chapters will be much shorter than my usual chapters.


This is it. This is the day I've been dreaming of since I was five. It's finally happening! My heart was beating painfully against my rib cage as I thought of walking down the isle towards the man I'd be with for the rest of my life.

I found myself swooning, my eyes closed. I snapped myself awake and mentally face-palmed. I stood in front of a floor length mirror in my wedding dress and heels and I still couldn't stop freaking out.

The dress was a warm ivory color, the color Anna had picked out for me, and was floor length. It had a tight corset which was lined with jewels and intricate patterns. There were thing sleeves just over my shoulders. The dress clinched tightly at the waist and flared out in the skirt. There was a thin layer of shimmery fabric over the skirt, bunched up, making the dress look ten times more poofy. I had on silver heels that wrapped around the ankle. And honestly, I felt like a freaking princess.

"Skylar," Lish called out from the room behind me. "Come on. We have to do your hair."

I turned and picked up parts of my dress, stepping off the platform and walking through the door to the makeup and hair. Lish patted a salon seat in front of her and I obliged, seating delicately. My makeup had been done already. Lish had decided on a completely natural look with light blush, shimmery lip gloss, shimmery eye shadow and mascara.

"Now, up-do or down?" Lish questioned, playing with my curls. "Or side-do? I saw this girl at a store a few weeks ago and she had her curled hair tied in a side pony with a flower in her hair."

"I think I'm gonna go with down, but some pulled back so it's not all in my face but it looks like-"

"That's naturally how it is." Lish nodded, got it. She picked up a few bobby pins and stuck them in her mouth, holding them by her teeth. She began piecing together parts of my curled hair. "Are you nervous?"

"No." I answered truthfully. I met her eyes in the mirror. "I'm terrified."

She laughed and pinned a strand back. "You shouldn't be. He loves you and you love him and wait-" she stopped and leaned down to my level. "You do love him right?" She whispered.

I gave her a look. "No, Lish. I don't love Ryan at all and am just doing this for the benefit of being Luna though I haven't and probably never will shift. Of course I do, dimwit."

She returned the look for my sarcasm. I broke out into a wide grin. "I do love him, Lish. More than anything in the world."

"Then you have no reason to be terrified." She said. she pulled the last two strands back and pinned them neatly against my head. "Besides, it's just a ceremony in which you two are binded legally in human standards. And of course there's the after to look forward to."

I raised my eyebrows before realizing what she meant. A heated blush creeped up neck and flooded my cheeks. Lish laughed. "Keep that up and we wont have to worry about applying any more makeup."

"Oh shut up." I muttered.

She just laughed again and sprayed five gallons of hair spray on my hair. Okay. That was an exaggeration. Maybe just two gallons.

"Okay." she finally said. "You're ready."

Ready. I stood and smiled at myself in the mirror. I was ready.


A slow, sweet melody started playing as soon as I began walking down the isle. I bit my lip, my eyes locking with Ryan's. He stood on ther altar, holding his hands out in front of him, looking as handsome and sexy as ever. The black tux made him look much older and ten times more striking, almost as if he were about to discuss a very seious, very important business matter. But that facade faded instantly when his face broke into my favorite grin. The one that brought out his dimples.

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