19. The Light in The Dark

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The past few days had been pretty much just me laying there on the bed, thinking and thinking and thinking. Hoping beyond hope I'd figure out how to get out of here. I sent pleas and cries out to Ryan and any other pack members. But none of them heard me.

Daniel came around every day. Luckily, he didn't touch me again. Though I had a feeling it would start again soon. He just brought me food and water. He even brought me some new clothes. Where he got them would forever be a mystery to me.

Being alone ninety percent of the time, my mind was always wondering, always thinking about new things, jumping onto new thoughts and leading me into a whole other world. Of course I didn't have too much to think about other than the fact that my hope was dwindling. Getting smaller and smaller each day. Until eventually, it'll just shrivel up and die and I'll finally realize I'll be here forever and I could do nothing about it. So instead of focusing on that, I focused on my completely incoherent train of thoughts, keeping myself in a world of wondering and whispers.

But my mind kept wandering to what Daniel had said the other day. About the whole trauma being the reason for all of this. I found it extremely hard to believe. It was probably the stupidest excuse I'd ever heard but something about it made me want to believe him. To forgive him. And knowing me, one day I probably would, if I ever got out of here. But I wouldn't let that happen anytime soon.

I heard a door slam shut, shaking me from deep thoughts. I couldn't see anything past the mattress. And I could only assume it was Daniel or one of the girls that had come in before to wash me. I didn't even want to think about how those girls came to even be working for him. It send shivers up and down my spine thinking about it.

The mattress squeaked and dipped slightly as Daniel sat at the edge. He met my eyes for a moment and gave me a small smile. "What are you in the mood for today, sweetheart?" He asked.

"Don't call me that." I snapped, crossing my arms. The cuffs dug into my skin but I was determined to not let it show.

He just rose an eyebrow and slid a tray across the wet and moldy surface of the old mattress. "Well you could've gotten a choice but now this is all you're getting."

I glanced down at the tray and groaned. I hated broccoli soup. And he knew that. "I don't like broccoli soup."

"Aww poor Skylar." He retorted. "There's cheese in there." He added mockingly.

That pissed me off. And although I was hungry, I grabbed the bowl and tossed it in his face, the hot soup steaming against his skin. He hissed in pain and smashed the bowl against the wall. He leaned close while grabbing the tray and throwing it, the metal clattering loudly against the ground.

"You bitch." He muttered, gripping my chin with his hand. Hard. "I guess you'll have to starve." He said heartlessly before smacking me across the face. My skin erupted in tingles and sparks but these had the opposite affect of which Ryan's touch had. These sparks left a searing heat in their wake, making my eyes water.

"Have a good day, Skylar." He smiled sweetly, the look in his eyes sickening. With that he got off the mattress and walked out, slamming the door with such force, the chains connecting me to the wall rattled.

I reached up my hand slowly to where he had smacked me. Obviously I couldn't see it, but there would definitely be a make there. And a bruise. A big one at that.

But I would've taken however many beatings. However many smacks and insults. Anything but his other desire. What he called fun and I called torture.

It was a while later before I heard another noise, besides my breathing and the rattling of the chains every time I moved. I didn't even blink. Maybe they were watching me now. Great. As if it weren't already bad.

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