05. Why do I keep seeing Wolves?

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I pushed myself forward and back with my legs, humming a tune while the squeaks of the swing filled the air. Before I knew it, I was singing the lyrics softly to myself.

And I kept your heart, on a chain around my neck
And you swore to me forever, but forever fell apart

But I'll wait for a sign that says it's not too late
And I'll try to save the love that once was mine
And I'll find I'll find your broken lights that you're still shining
And I'll find I'll find you

So come back to me
I saved your promises in a box beneath my bed
Now your touch is like a memory
And your words are my souvenirs

I feel your hand close to mine
But you're not really here

I watched the sun set beyond the horizon and wondered how many stars were in the sky. My thoughts were a jumble of nothingness. I had no clear train of thought at the moment, which was strange for me. I was always thinking. Constantly overthinking, reevaluating everything and making myself react in ways that don't even make sense. But at that moment I was peaceful for once. No bad thoughts, or any thoughts for that matter which was good. Very good.

My peaceful moment quickly vanished when the feeling of being watched weighed down on me. I figured it was Ryan, standing behind me of course. But when I turned around, there wasn't anyone there. I narrowed my eyes and straightened myself. I glanced across the now empty park into the woods beyond the bigger swing set and met a pair of large yellow eyes. My heartbeat quickened as the yellow eyes seemed to peer into my soul. I slowly started to get up but froze, my eyes widening, as a huge gray wolf appeared, giving the yellow eyes a body.

Okay what was with these wolves? First I see one huge black one in the woods and then I see him-it-in my dreams and I paint it on my wall and now this gray one's watching me? I was seriously questioning my sanity.

I stood frozen at the spot as the wolf took massive steps forward, suddenly much closer than before. It passed the swing set and was slowly making its way toward me across the field. I was so scared I couldn't move and by the way the thing was looking at me, I wasn't sure I wanted to.

The wolf advanced, stepping over the black border, surrounding the small swing set where I currently resided. It came close, close to my face and breathed in. Its eyes flashed and it blew out a breath, giving me a whiff of its nasty wolf breath. I took a small step backwards, moving the swing, and waved a hand in front of my face.

My blood went cold when a fierce snarl ripped through the woods. It echoed off the trees and reverberated in my head. The gray wolf in front of me looked at something behind me before letting a loose growl slip through its teeth. I heard a bark and the gray wolf started backing away from me. It locked eyes with me once more before it turned and darted back into the woods.

I was still in my shocked position for a little bit before I heard a howl echo through the night. It shook me out of my state and I glanced behind me to see what had warded the gray wolf off.

There was nothing there.

What the heck? My gods I'm going insane. I really need to lay down. I grabbed my bag from the side of the swing set and walked briskly back to my house, not daring to look back. I couldn't risk another close encounter like that. Next time I saw a wolf, I'd run or at least scream. Let someone know I was in trouble.

I stepped into the warm living room locking the door behind me. Monica was in the kitchen, getting a glass of water. She looked up as I entered the house. "You're coming in late. Where've you been?"

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