11. I'm a Werewolf. But Why Haven't I Shifted?

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I smacked my forehead and took a few steps back. "Holy shit!" I said. "I'm a werewolf!"

"Uh," Chloe said, smiling slightly. "Yeah."

My eyes were wide and I was staring at my hands. No way. I was half wolf!! My gods this was like-I took a deep breath. Oh boy. This was gonna be crazy.

I flopped down on the ground and sprawled out on the grass. Ryan leaned over me and raised an eyebrow, a smile lighting his face. "But-"

"Yes?" He asked.

I thought for a moment. Wouldn't I have shifted then? Why wasn't I already a huge wolf? "What age do werewolves usually shift?" I blurted.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Uh between 10 and 14."

"Then why haven't I shifted?" I asked, looking him in the eye.

"Well." I heard Alister's voice from above me and he appeared by Ryan. Wow. His likeness of Ryan was uncanny. Or maybe it was the other way around. "You could have shifted and you just didn't know. First time I shifted, I was sleepwalking. I didn't realize it until I was running in the woods and I shifted again."

"That's a nice theory." I said, my eyes zeroing in on the clouds floating by. "But I think I would've noticed if I shifted into a giant wolf. Besides, I don't sleepwalk."

Alister shrugged. "There are other theories. You could be a recessive werewolf. The gene to shift could be covered by something more dominant."

"It doesn't run in the family though, does it?" I asked, worried. I may have been shocked and a bit freaked out but I still would have liked to try being a giant wolf for once. "I mean Chloe can do it. So can Jackson and Noah. And mom and dad." I found it surprisingly easy to call them mom and dad, which made me involuntarily smile.

"You could also be a late bloomer." He continued. I rolled my eyes at that one. Sure.

"Or maybe I just won't shift at all." I said, sounding a bit sad.

"Don't say that." Ryan said, giving me a sympathetic look and I couldn't help but smile at how adorable he was. I mean, here he was comforting me, a werewolf who hadn't even shifted, when he could be doing so many other things that were more important right now. He was Alpha for Pete's sake. He probably had a bunch of other people he could talk to. Other girls. My smile faded as I thought about that. I didn't like that thought. It made my insides churn in a funny way, making me feel sick. "I'm sure you'll shift."

I sat up, feeling kinda dejected. Only member in the pack who couldn't shift. Great. "How can you be so sure?" I asked, looking at the ground.

"Because look at you." Ryan said, making me feeling extremely self conscious like there was something wrong. "You can't not shift. You're too awesome."

I looked up at him, shocked by his words and saw him smiling down at me with such a big smile, I felt warmth spread through me. I smiled back before realizing that the whole pack was still there. Watching me. Oh gosh I just went all dramatic about not shifting in front of a bunch of werewolves. Talk about embarrassing.

I stood up abruptly, now very aware of all eyes on me and my smile vanished. I could feel my cheeks heating up and I looked down. "Sorry." I mumbled.

"What are you sorry about?" Eric asked.

"I was just freaking out about not shifting in front of the whole pack when you all probably have so much better things to do." I said, feeling extremely uncomfortable under the gazes of over 200 werewolves.

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