14. Rogue Attack

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The first thing I felt when I woke was a warm and wet cloth on my forehead. What the heck? The last thing I remembered was watching Catching Fire, though I couldn't remember how it ended. Ugh I fell asleep during the movie I face palmed and sat up. The cloth fell into my lap and I noticed that Ryan was asleep next to me. But not on the bed. He was sitting on the floor with his head on the side of the bed. How did he fall asleep like that?

I reached over and poked Ryan's face. He swatted her hand away and grumbled in his sleep. I smiled. How cute. I poked him again and he turned his head over. His neck is so gonna hurt when he gets up. I poked him once more, but he still didn't get up.

I sighed. Standing up, I grabbed the wet cloth and went to the bathroom, wetting it again with cold water. Once I was back, I gently placed it on his bare neck and stood back as he jumped up. He grabbed the cloth off his neck and looked at it wide eyed. His hair was completely messed up and his eyes were sleepy. Not quite awake yet. He stared at the cloth for a few moments before blinking and rubbing his eyes for a moment. Aww. I wish I had a camera. That was just so adorable! He looked like a little kid.

When he was done, he looked at me. "Skylar? What are you doing out of bed?"

I gave him a weird look. "Um I'm awake. And I was gonna go check on Renee." I said.

He shook his head and lead me toward the bed. "Nope. You're sick. You gotta stay in bed."

"I'm sick?" I asked. I put my hand to my forehead. It felt a lot warmer than it usually did. "I don't feel sick."

"Good." He said, making me sit on the bed. "You need sleep. The more sleep you get, the faster it will go away."

I rolled my eyes and stood up. "What I need is to go get some food and maybe take a walk outside. The fresh air will help me feel better."

Ryan gave me a look. "No it won't."

I crossed my arms and glared at him. He let out a loud sigh. "Fine." He said. He walked into my closet. "But you have to wear your sweater and sandals all day."

"You sound like a mother." I muttered, slipping the sweater back over my tank top. I slid into the sandals and walked out of the room, Ryan at my heels. I immediately headed to the second floor and walked to the guest room and knocked on the door.

The door opened to reveal a wide awake Renee. "Hey." I said while smiling. She looked much better. "You ready?"

She looked confused. "For what?" She asked.

I smiled and grabbed her wrist. "To get ready of course! Come on you can borrow some of my clothes." I pulled her out of the room and back up the stairs.

Let Andy borrow some of your clothes. I thought to Ryan.

What? Why? He exclaimed back.

I rolled my eyes. Just do it. Please.

I could picture him sighing. Fine.

Thank you.

I pulled Renee into my room and told her to sit on my bed. I then went to my closet and picked out seven outfits for her. I closed my door and made her stand up.

"Okay." I said, I handed her an old tael top of mine and she took off her torn up shirt and pulled it over her head. I then handed her a pair of light wash jeans. She slipped those on and looked at me for confirmation. I nodded and smiled. "You can wear your combat boots if you'd like." I picked up the six other outfits and handed them to her. "This is for the rest of the week okay? I can arrange you getting enrolled in school, if you want to of course."

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