13. Movie Night and Romans

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I woke up the next morning feeling amazing. That was the most peaceful sleep of my life. No dreams had haunted it either so all was good. I yawned as I reached my arms up to stretch when I realized I was being held down by something. I glanced down and saw two muscular arms wrapped around me. Oh crap. What the hell happened last night?

My eyes trailed up the arms, widening when I saw that they were attached to Ryan. Then everything from last night came back. The whole Luna talk and the kiss and oh the kiss. I relaxed and smiled at the thought of his lips on mine. They had been so warm and soft and they tasted like sweet honey. Which I found strange but very attractive at the same time.

I turned myself around so I was facing him and found myself an inch from his face. My eyes fell to his lips and I couldn't help but bite mine. Oh how I wanted to kiss him again. But then my stomach decided to make an appearance. It growled and the loud whale like noises sounded really loud in the quiet room. It was weird 'cause I was so used to having music.

I'm hungry. I thought. And I have to pee. I sighed and tried to wriggle out of Ryan's grasp. His arms tightened around me and I fell back into him, partially giving up, when an idea formed in my head. I glanced at the clock. It was 11:35. That was pretty normal for me but awfully late for everyone else so he shouldn't complain.

I glanced back at Ryan and smiled. Then I started poking his face and calling out to him.












"Ry-" he caught my hand before I poked his face again. His eyes were still closed but it was clear he was awake.

When he didn't do anything, I called out again in a whisper. "Ryan."

"What?" He asked and I couldn't help but point out how sexy his morning voice sounded.

"Can you let me go?" I whispered, though why I was whispering still, I didn't really know.

He let go of my hand and pulled me closer to him and burying his face in my neck. "No." His voice was muffled by my lace dress that I just noticed I had slept in.

"But Ryaaaaannnnnnnnnn." I whined, purposely poking him again to annoy him.

He finally looked up at me and while he seemed very irritable, it was still very sexy to see his hair ruffled up and his eyes opened only slightly. "What?"

"I have to pee." I said and he sighed, but before he let me go, he leaned up and kissed me again. I closed my eyes and let myself fall into it. His warm honey-tasting lips moving in sync with mine and-he pulled away, smirking at me. "What was that for?" I asked, slightly disappointed.

He smirked again. "I just wanted to kiss you." He suddenly let go of me and jumped off the bed, leaving me feeling cold and less secure. "Go on and pee. I'll be downstairs getting some food for that dying whale you got down there." He said, pointing at my stomach.

I placed my hands on my stomach. "Hey!" I said. "My stomach takes a offense to that."

He laughed and left the room. I smiled and shook my head, sliding out of bed. Again it occurred to me I was still wearing my lace dress. Why did I fall asleep in this? And how could something with so many ribbons to tie and knots be so comfortable?

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