16. The Encounter in The Woods

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Look at this cutie ^ <3 :)


I felt good the next morning. And then I felt bad as Daniel's price popped into my mind. And then I felt scared. I had to decide what to do by tomorrow night or the pack gets it. I let out a frustrated groan and blew the bangs out of my face. Ryan rolled over and pulled me to him.

"Something wrong princess?" He asked sweetly. His morning voice was so sexy.

I shook the thought away and forced a smile. "Just annoyed." I replied, thinking of a lie in under thirty second flat. "I have to do my laundry today." Well it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth.

He laughed. "I wish I could help you, but the whole pack's got patrol duty."

I raised my eyebrows. "The whole pack?"

"Well, Owen, James, Jake, and Scott are on Luna watch duty." He said while smiling at me. I rolled my eyes. "Because of that last rogue attack, we need to be on our guard. So you'll have to do your laundry alone."

I sighed and snuggled into him. It was both good and bad. I didn't want to do laundry, but it gave me alone time to think of a plan to find a loophole, get out of Daniel's clutches for good. Well at least I hoped I could think of something. I reached up and twirled a piece of Ryan's hair sticking up because of bed head between fingers. If I did have to go with Daniel, I would miss Ryan so much. His hair, his eyes, his lips, and just him. Everything about him.

His eyebrows furrowed as he watched me. "You sure you're okay?"

I waved my free hand in the air. "Oh of course. Just being lazy today."

He grabbed my hand, startling me into looking into his eyes. "You know Skylar." He said seriously. "You're a really good liar."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I automatically replied.

He looked sad for a moment before masking it was seriousness. "Does this secret have to do with your safety or the pack's?"

I looked away and didn't answer. I heard him sigh and run a hand through his hair. I hated keeping secrets from Ryan but it was better this way. Much much better him not knowing then trying to get me back and dying.

He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. He didn't speak until our eyes locked. "We will talk about this when I get back understood?" He asked firmly. He had used his Alpha voice and I immediately felt offended but at that point I didn't really care. He'd find out some way or another.

I sighed. "Fine." I muttered, glancing away.

A tense silence fell over us until Ryan sat up and pulled me with him. He pulled me onto his lap and turned me around so I was straddling him. "You know you can tell me anything, right princess?"

I nodded and placed my hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned into it. "I know." I murmured softly. "But this is-"

"Huge? Big? Terrifying? Important? Dangerous?" He asked, naming a few adjectives I'd use, keeping his eyes closed.

"All of the above." I ran my hands through his hair and he wrapped his arms around my waist, nudging my abdomen with his head. "But I'll tell you when you get back." I murmured softly. "I promise."

I couldn't help but wince slightly. I wasn't sure if I could keep that promise. He looked up at me and smiled warmly. "Thanks Sky."

I managed a smile and we both got up. Ryan left the room to get dressed while I pulled on some jean shorts and a pink sweater. I laced up my combat boots up and tied my hair into a tight ponytail on the top of my head. When I was ready, I jogged downstairs, grabbed a bagel off the counter and walked outside. It seemed the whole pack was there. That I could see anyway. None of them had shifted yet so it was just a bunch of people standing in front of the pack house, listening intently to Ryan who stood a few feet in front of me.

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