04. School's Not So Bad

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I kept thinking of Skylar as I walked down the halls. I wondered when she'd get here. Gods this whole mate thing was going to freaking kill me. Staying away from her practically tore me apart from the inside out.

I shook my head and tried to clear my thoughts, but her eyes and her hair and the way she smelled kept clouding my mind. Why couldn't I get this girl out of my mind!? If only for a second so I could think clearly!

Calm yourself, son. My father said. You've got to be patient.

Do you have any idea how hard this is? Knowing she's so close yet I can't touch her?

I know. I felt the same way with your mother, but if she's going to be our Luna. Your Luna, then you need to get to know her. Let her get used to you and when the time's right she will know.

I sighed and ran a hand roughly through my hair. I took a few more steps forward when I heard some catcalls coming from the stairs. Curious, I walked over, looking over the railing. What I saw was enough to get my blood boiling.

There were the classic jerks, Michael, Jarod, and Andrew. All three of them had been rejected by their mates and honestly I wasn't surprised, as horrible as that sounded. But that didn't give them the right to touch anyone else's. I could feel Ayden struggling for control as Michael reached out to touch Skylar.

"Don't touch her." My voice echoed throughout the stairwell, bringing everyone's attention to him. Skylar looked kind of surprised.

Jarod and Andrew shrunk back under their Alpha's glare. Michael however, being the asshole he was, rolled his eyes and grabbed Skylar's arm. She tried to pull away but he tightened his grip on her and leaned in.

A loud snarl ripped through my throat as I jumped down the stairs and shoved Michael against the wall. "I said don't touch her!" Michael slumped down and I turned back to Skylar. I grabbed her arm gently and growled when she winced.

"Ryan?" She asked slowly.

I felt my  eyes cloud over and tried to get Ayden under control. "Sorry." I said. I looked down at her arm and clenched my fists. "That asshole thinks he can touch whoever he wants and it just-" I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "There's going to be a bruise there later."

She glanced down and noticed the purplish bruises on her upper arm. She looked back up to me. "Thanks." Skylar said, looking into my eyes. "But you didn't have to push him into a wall."

I nodded. "Yeah I know, but he deserved it." Suddenly I smiled. "Now come on. Let's get you to class and brighten up your first day, how bout it?"

She smiled back. I walked up the stairs and Skylar followed, Alisha and Cameron at her heels.

"What's your first class?" I asked, all traces of anger gone.

She handed me her schedule. I looked over it for a second before my eyes lit up. "You have calculus with me first period." Then my eyes narrowed. "You must be pretty smart to be in calculus as a sophomore."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah I'm a nerd. Do you think your big ego can handle that?"

I vaguely heard Cameron snicker and Alisha giggle. I quirked an eyebrow and I could see her struggling to keep a straight face. "Oh I see how it is." I smirked. "Well newbie, you'll be happy to know I can keep my ego in check."

She laughed her beautiful laugh and I smiled. "Yeah I'd like to see that happen." I opened his mouth to argue but she put her fingers to my lips and I had to restrain myself from grabbing her hand. "Let's just get to class and see how well you can."

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