15. Panic Attack and Food Fight

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Today was a veg day. I'd made sure of that. No work. For anyone, besides border patrol. That was kind of mandatory, but after every shift I made each one of them shift back, take a shower and relax for the rest of the day. I tried relaxing in my own while
Ryan was on his shift early in the morning, but it was hard as my mind kept drifting to my midnight conversation with Daniel.

Of course the decision was obvious. I would never want the pack to get hurt, but there had to be another way. Another way out of being Daniel's sex slave. I shuddered and pulled my blankets over my head. I did not want that happening again. I sighed loudly. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I rubbed my eyes.

"Come on Sky." I murmured to myself. "Get your mind of Daniel and distract yourself. Ryan'll be back soon and you won't have to worry about."

Today anyway. I thought sourly, pulling myself off the bed. I shook all thoughts of Daniel out of my head and I jogged downstairs and into the kitchen. Lish stood there, watching me. I stopped short. Had she been waiting for me?

I raised an eyebrow and slowly slid into a counter seat. Her eyes never left mine. "Morning Lish...?"

She narrowed her eyes and walked over, leaning on the counter and peering at me. "Morning Skylar." She said. Her voice didn't give anything away so I assumed it was nothing. I closed my eyes and let out a breath. "So..." She began and I cursed myself. Spoke too soon. "Who's Daniel?"

My blood froze and my eyes shot open. Shit. How the hell did she hear me? Oh right, werewolf. Okay Skylar, no more speaking out loud. Lish rose an eyebrow. "Skylar?"

I didn't answer. I just stood up and backed up against the hallway wall. They couldn't know. I'd never tell. They couldn't know. I wouldn't let them find out. Oh great Skylar. Go ahead and freak out. What-are you hyperventilating? What's wrong with you?

Whose side are you on? I snapped at myself and I knew I had cracked.

"Skylar?" Lish asked again and I brought myself back to the present. I checked and realized I wasn't hyperventilating. Ha take that stupid mind person thing. Okay it's official I've gone crazy.

"Yes?" I asked. I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms, pretending like none of that had ever happened.

"Um you kinda freaked out when I asked you who Daniel was." Lish said. She came around the counter and stood in front of me with crossed arms. She looked thoughtful for a moment before leaning in and whispering to me. "Are you cheating on Ryan?"

My jaw dropped. "Me? Cheat on Ryan, my sexy alpha mate, with Daniel?" I asked, completely taken aback by her question. "Never!"

She leaned away but still had that thoughtful look on her face. "Okay. But then who's Daniel?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Should I tell her? Should I not? I had no freaking idea. "Uh-I.....I can't tell you." I muttered, looking down.

"And why is that?" She asked. Okay Lish was seriously starting to get on my nerves. Couldn't she just leave this alone? Can't she see that this was making me extremely uncomfortable? And of course it made my anxiousness and overall worry of the situation worse.

"I just can't, Lish." I replied, stepping around her and heading toward the leaving room. Cameron, Sam, Noah, and Chloe were sitting on the couch. Lish followed. "Can't you just leave it alone?" My voice turned to a whine and I was seriously gonna start freaking out if there were more questions.

"No." She said. She walked in front of me and made me stop walking. The guys and Chloe all looked up at us in confusion. "You need to tell me who Daniel is. Whoever he is, he's obviously giving you anxiety and tearing you up inside." I gave her a look but she crossed her arms and my resolve faded. I couldn't keep it a secret forever.

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