Dick Grayson x reader

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Requested by @Mrs_Valdez_123

S/n's pov

        I looked at myself in the mirror, my entire body is covered with scars. I heard knocking, "s/n? You in there?" I heard Nightwing asking "yeah, give me a minute!" I answered, I yanked on a robe and let him in, "what do you need?" I asked "I'm just worried about you," Nightwing replied "you looked........ distracted," "I'm fine," I said tightening the robe around me.

       Nightwing gave me a look.

       "I know you're lying,"

       "I'm not,"

        "Yes you are,"

       "I am not,"

        "Yes you are,"

        "For the last time, Nightwing! I'm not!"

         "You know what this argument is reminding me of?"


         "All those petty arguments we used to have back when we were younger,"

         "Wow, I can't believe you remember that,"

         "Well of course I remember that, you were so cute,"

         "I was not!"

          "Ha, you always wore pink dresses and act all lady like,"

          "Shut up,"




            "You deserved that,"

             "Y/n, please, tell me what's wrong. You always come to me when you have a problem,"

              "It's none of your business,"

               "Y/n, I want to know. I'm your boyfriend aren't I?"

                "You are,"

                "Then tell me,"

                 I sighed and shrugged my robe off, his face immediately turned red but realized what I'm showing him, "you're insecure," he realized "yeah," I said pulling my robe back on, Nightwing wrapped his arms around me and placed his chin on top of my head, "no matter how many scars you have, you're beautiful and radiant to me," Nightwing said "so please, don't beat yourself up because of how you look," I gently nuzzled my face into his neck.

               "I love you," I stilled before looking up at him

               "You.......... love me?" I asked, Nightwing gently stole a kiss from me

               "Always will," another kiss

              "Always have," another kiss

              "No matter," another kiss

              "What," I pulled him in for a deeper kiss

                "I......... love you, too," I said softly, Dick smiled,

               "vă mulțumesc pentru grija, Dick, eu chiar apreciez," (thank you for caring, Dick, I really appreciate it) I said "sunteți binevenit, Y/n, dragostea mea va fi mereu cu tine," (you're welcome, Y/n, my love will always be with you) said Dick, I smiled and kissed him gently. 

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