Like Dick, you have black hair and blue eyes.
You:15Dick's pov
"Dick?" "yeah?" "I think I found her," I looked up at Bruce, "what?" I asked "I think I found your sister." said Bruce, my sister, my adorable, lovable, sweet sister.......... is alive?
Y/n's pov
I shuddered as I walked through the rain, I wiped my nose with the back of my hand, "febră."(fever) I muttered, I sniffed, and continued walking. My foster parents through me out of the house calling me a whore, slut, attention whore, a waste of space, idiot, and a lot more.
I shuddered again, I slipped, and fell, I didn't get back up, 'lasă-mă cu moartea pretinde, nu-mi mai pasă.' (let death claim me, I don't care anymore) I thought "Y/n!" I heard someone calling out, I blacked out before I could see who it was.
When I woke up again, I found myself in a very comfortable bed, and a guy sitting next to me on a chair, he has black hair, and blue eyes, he looks familiar.
"Richard?" he instantly woke up at my voice, "esti treaz," (you're awake) he said, he took my hand, "cum te simti?" (how do you feel?) he asked "unde sunt?" (where am I?) I asked "răspuns la întrebarea mea în primul rând," (answer my question first) said Richard "obosit, și foarte somnoros," (tired, and very sleepy) I said, he pushed a strand of dark hair from my face, "Îți amintești cum să vorbești engleza?" (do you remember how to speak English?) he asked "nu chiar," (not really) I said, Richard pulled the covers up to my chin, "somn, ai nevoie de ea," (sleep, you need it) said Richard, I nodded "O să spun tuturor că ești treaz," (I'll tell everybody you're awake) "toata lumea?" (everybody?) I repeated "nu te-ai aștepta ca eu să trăiesc în acest conac singur ai făcut-o?" (you didn't expect me to live in this manor alone did you?) he grinned at me, and I gave him a weak smile back, "O să-ți ce sa întâmplat să te întrebi când odihnește-te un pic mai mult," (I'll ask you what happened to you when you rest up a bit more) he added, and left.
I snuggled into the covers a bit more, sleep claimed me easily because I now know my older brother is now with me again, I'll be safe in his arms.
Dick's pov
I went back to Y/n's bedroom only to hear soft snores coming from her, I smiled, and pushed another strand of black hair, while Alfred was patching her up, Alfred noticed a lot of scars covering her arms, legs, and torso.
"I can't believe somebody did this to her," I said when Bruce came in "her foster parents abused her," Bruce carefully examined Y/n, "those are wipe marks, knife scars, more torture weapons," said Bruce, he carefully brushed a finger against one of the scars, "those wounds were deep, very deep," said Bruce "those parents she had, they were far worse than I had thought," "I'll take care of her," I said "I'm technically her legal guardian since I'm her older brother," Bruce nodded "take good care of her, Dick, she needs you, desperately," said Bruce "I wouldn't imagine myself hurting her," I said "I will never hurt her." "I know you won't, Dick." Said Bruce.
*time skip*
"Nu! Pleacă de aici!" (no! Go away!) I quickly grabbed Y/n's shoulders, and pulled her close to my chest, "sh, it's okay," I softly to her, Y/n shuddered, and snuggled in even more into my arms, "t-ei au avut-h k-cuțite, o-și w-bice." (t-they h-had k-knives, a-and w-whips) Y/n whimpered, I kissed the top of her head gently, "este în regulă, Y/n, am să te țin în siguranță," (it's okay, Y/n, I'll keep you safe) I said to her softly "ei nu vor să te rănesc, nu pe ceasul meu," (they're not going to hurt you, not on my watch) I said "nimeni." (nobody)

FanfictionSecond book of DC Comics One Shots. Also, ALL REQUESTS ARE CLOSED. IF REQUESTED, IT WILL BE IGNORED