This particular one shot is slightly based on my life, hope you enjoy! I'm just going to go with Grant instead of Barry, I just feel like it kay? I just couldn't think of anything, so I thought to myself 'why not let my great readers read my life?' Oh, and all the characters aside from you, and Grant are real people.
You:18(you're a few months younger than him)
This is kinda an AUBarry's pov
"Ladies, and gentlemen, let me introduce Team 612!" Said the MC, the largest team started shouting. "LET'S GO TEAM 612!" They started chanting, I smiled while looking for a familiar h/c haired girl, I spotted her on the field with the pit workers.
I quickly hurried to the pit, I grabbed a pair of goggles, and entered. I found her being the ambassador for Team 612, an ambassador is a person that's a tour guide, he or she shows a group of people around, points out which team is what, and answers questions. "It's been nearly sixteen years since it was first created," said Y/n. "And each year, more, and more new members join the team. There are over one hundred members today in fact," I smiled. "What's a subteam exactly?" I asked, I caught Y/n out of surprise, but she answered my question. "A subteam is a small group of the team working on a specific part. For example, the electrical group work on building the robot, the mechanical team responsible for taking the CAD blueprints and creating custom parts that are all assembled to make different parts of the robot, the CAD team uses the computer software to form objects in virtual space, CAD designs the team's robot, making sure that limitations are kept in check, before creating blueprints for the mechanical team to assemble," said Y/n. "What about programming?" Asked a young boy. "Programming writes all of the software that runs our robot using the libraries provided by WPI in combination with C++." Y/n answered, she continued leading the group till the tour was over.
She tackled me when they were gone. "How did you find me?" She asked. "Easy, you tell me everything about your robotics team," I answered. "Besides, I know which high school you go to," Y/n smiled. "True," she agreed, I chuckled, and kissed her. "Yo! Quick kissing whoever that guy is, and get working!" Said a guy. "Shut up, Garreth!" Said Y/n. "Oi! You can't tell me to shut up! I'm your captain!" The guy, Garreth, said. "You're not my mother now are you?" Y/n snapped again. "Easy there, tiger, easy," I said chuckling. "Oh shush, Grant," said Y/n. "Anyways, I better get back to work," said Y/n, she released me. "See you at the bleachers?" I nodded. "Yeah, see you at the bleachers." I agreed, I gave her one more kiss, and left.
There are about seventy three games in total meaning this could go on till it's nine thirty at night, Y/n and I found ourselves watching the game together now. "Well, one competition is over, and a new one will be here tomorrow," said Y/n. "Yeah, good luck at the next one," I said. "Do you think we'll win?" Asked Y/n, I placed my hand over hers. "I'm sure your team will do well," I assured her, she took a deep breath, and nodded. "Thanks, Grant," said Y/n, I smiled, and leaned in for a kiss. "Lulia(u-lia)! Y/n has a boyfriend!" A guy's voice said, we pulled away to see a boy shorter than Y/n, he had dark brown eyes, and brown hair. "Did you guys hear me?! Y/n has a boyfriend!" He called out again, Y/n whacked his head. "Shut up, Alex," said Y/n. "Who cares if I have a boyfriend?" Alex shrugged. "I don't know, you?" He answered. "What about you, and Avery?" Asked Y/n, Alex gave her a look. "Ha, ha, ha, very funny." He said. "You're the one who brought up the boyfriend and girlfriend thing," I pointed out, Alex walked away grumbling things to himself.
I checked the time on my phone to see it's nearly nine. "Wanna go home?" I asked. "Yeah, let me tell a mentor, and we can leave," said Y/n, she got up, and talked to an adult before walking over to me. "Okay, let's go." Said Y/n, she grabbed her jacket, and we walked outside. When we got into the car, I started driving, Battlefield High School disappearing from sight. "You'll be here tomorrow right?" Y/n asked. "Yeah, yeah, I will be," I said. "I'm sure your team won the Chairman's Award this year," I said. "I don't know where I'll be without you," said Y/n, I pulled up to a parkway, and stopped the car before turning to face her. "No, I don't know where I'll be without you," I corrected. "With all the acting, and my celebrity life, I just feel well......... caged in," I said. "But with you, I feel free," Y/n blushed, and looked away, I gently grabbed her chin, and made her look at me. "Don't look away, don't be embarrassed," I whispered. "Don't feel insecure."
That struck the cord, I knew how strong her insecurities are, she always flinches whenever, I, or Barry Allen I should say, has to kiss another girl. "No matter how you look, I will always love you, I love your laugh, your smile, your giggles, your looks, everything about you, I love," I said to her, I gently caressed her cheek. "Do you mean all that?" Y/n asked, she grasped onto the collar of my shirt. "Yes, yes, I mean all of that," I said to her, I pulled out a box. "I wanted to give you this on your birthday, but I think it's the perfect time now," I said, I opened the box. "I'm pretty sure you already know what this is, but just in case you don't, it's a purity ring," I told her. "Or a promise ring, whichever you prefer," I quickly added, I held the ring up. "I promise you, when the Flash is finished, I will marry you, we will have children, we will be grandparents, and when we grow old, I will whisper to you 'we did it'," tears poured down her cheeks, she buried her face into my chest. "I love you." She whispered, I smiled, and kissed the top of her head. "I love you more." I said.
I slid the ring on, and pressed a kiss to it. "Let's go home." I said, Y/n nodded. "Yeah, let's." She agreed, and I drove her home.