Dick Grayson x reader

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You're the younger sister of Dick, and you run away from him after a heated argument. This is also another crossover with SPN, I can't help myself.


Y/n's pov

"Hey Ellen," I greeted the bartender, I sat down on a stool here in Roadhouse. "Hey Y/n," Ellen greeted me, I heard someone sitting next to me. "Hey," Jo greeted me, I gave her a tired smile. "Hey," I greeted her back. "Tired?" Jo asked. "Very," I said. "You have no idea how many guys I had to knock out just to get here," Ellen, and Jo frowned. "You hitch hiked?" Ellen asked. "Y/n, that's dangerous," I sighed. "I know," I said. "But I had to get away from Dick," Ellen, and Jo gave me a look. Ellen placed a glass of water. "Did something happen back home?" Asked Jo. "Dick, and I got into a really bad fight," I grumbled. "I don't want to talk about it," I said, I took a gulp of the water. "Must have been pretty bad," said Ellen, she placed a hand on my shoulder. "What happened?" I took another gulp. "Don't want to talk about it," I repeated, I held my glass out for a refill, and Ellen filled it up again.  "Can I stay here for the night?" I asked. "Alright," said Ellen. "Whatever he did, I'll give him a nice bash to the wall," Ellen grumbled. "Just.......... please don't tell him I'm here," I begged. "Or Bruce! He's going to kill me!" Ellen sighed. "Alright." She said again, I sighed. "Thank you," I breathed out, Jo clapped a hand on my shoulder. "Come on, you can bunk with me," said Jo. "Thanks, Jo." I said.

*time skip*

Several years passed by meaning I'm thirteen now, I guess I kinda forgot about Dick, I haven't contacted him during those few years. I was hunched over a laptop with a glass of apple cider next to my laptop. I heard footsteps making me look up, I saw two tall men coming my way, one was very tall, and moose like with dark chocolate hair, and the other has short sandy blonde hair with beautiful green eyes. I stopped chewing on the gum piece I was chewing on when they got closer, I spat the gum out, and took a sip of the apple cider before turning to continue my work. I heard a deep voice.

"You Y/n Grayson?" I rolled my shoulders once before turning to face the two men. "Who's asking?" I asked. "We are," said the moose. "Sorry there, Mr. Moose, I need names," I said, I crossed my legs. "Fine," said the sandy one. "The names are Dean, and Sam Winchester," my smile disappeared. "Winchester? As in........... John Winchester?" Both shared a look. "You know our dad?" The moose asked. "He saved my life," both shared another look. "Look, I normally have my clients pay for whatever information they're looking for, but whenever I owe a favor to someone? It's free," the moose, Sam, shifted. "He's dead you know," said Sam. "I know, which is why I'm paying the favor back with his sons instead," I answered, I started pulling out thick books from my bag by my feet. "So, why do you two need?"

Sam's pov

I slid into a chair on her right while Dean took her left. "We're looking for a demon." I answered. "A demon with yellow eyes," Y/n made some sound that sounded like 'TT'. "You have to be more specific." Said Y/n. "Alright, how about electricity storms, killing mothers of kids that turned six months old, mothers on the ceiling, and fire." Dean summarized, Y/n tapped her bottom lip before diving to her bag.

She plopped the bag onto the table, and started digging even more, half of her top body went inside the bag, I heard her cursing in another language. "Ah! Found it," said Y/n, she stood upright again, and placed the book down. "The demon sounds like Azazel, the Yellow Demon as some calls him," said Y/n. "Or The Demon, or Yellow Eyed Demon, and another one called The Man with the Yellow Eyes," Y/n added, she sighed before rubbing her face a bit. "Anyways, he's never in the same place for long," said Y/n. "I don't have much information on him though, you can go to Ash, he might have answers," I shook my head. "Already been to him." I said. "He's the one who told us to go to you," Y/n drained the last of her apple cider. "Well, I'm afraid there's nothing I ca-," she began only for her laptop to go haywire. "What the hell?" She muttered, she started pulling up multiple programs. "I take that back, just got something," said Y/n. "You better start running like hell, he's in Rivergrove, Oregon."

*time skip*
Y/n's pov
The next time they come back, Azazel is dead, they also told me John had asked them to tell me that the favor was paid. I packed my stuff up, and I stepped out only for Sam to call out. "You know, we can take you in," I stopped, and turned around to face him. "What?" I asked, Sam pulled out a piece of paper, and handed it to me when he walked over. "You're serious?" I asked, I read through the paper, it said 'adoption of Y/n Grayson, father:Samuel Winchester' my eyes met his. "Damn right I am," said Sam. "So, what do you say?" A minute later, he found himself on his back with my on top of him. "Yes! A thousand times yes!" Sam started laughing, and pulled me close to him.

I guess I truly forgot about Dick.

3rd person view

A few days after Sam, Dean, and Y/n left, a man with raven black hair, and bright blue eyes entered the Roadhouse. Ellen froze when the voice said. "Ellen, where is she?"

Part two is coming up soon, gals, relax.

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