Y/n's pov
"And when were you going to tell us this?" Asked Jason, yeah I did not tell them what Dean, and Sam do at all just yet, and they just happened to catch them sharpening their machetes. "Look, it's family business," said Sam. "Yeah, like how you guys are vigilantes at night," said Dean, glares went to me now. "They caught me sneaking out with a katana, and fully dressed as s/n," I protested. "Besides, they're family now," Damian, and Jason snorted. "Really?" Asked Jason. "Who keeps secrets like that from their family?!" I growled now "It's my choice," I growled at them. "It's my choice to choose whether I want to tell someone's secret or not," I added. "Want to throw me out? Go ahead! Do it! I dare you!" The four shared a look before looking at Father. "I understand what it's like hiding a secret, Y/n," said Father. "And yes, there are part of the family now. We shouldn't judge them for what they do for a living," I sighed, Dean, and Sam's shoulders relaxed. "Thank you, Father." I said. "Thank you." Said Sam, he wrapped his arms around my waist carefully since he's still recovering from his wounds. "Look, we all have secrets right?" Dean asked. "You keep our secret, and we'll keep yours." They all shared a look again. "Very well," said Father. "Y/n, we need to talk." I gulped, Sam, and Dean gave me sympathy looks before leaving with Mary.
"Y/n," Father began. "You kept secrets from us, why?" I snorted. "You just said you were fine with what they do," I said. "Now you don't?" Father shifted. "Y/n, they're hunters. Look at John Constantine for example," I shook my head. "You keep secrets, too," I pointed out. "Yet I'm not biting your ass," Tim frowned. "Language." He pointed out. "Oh please," I said with a snort, and threw my head back. "Jason, and Roy are cursing like crazy around Lian, by the time she's twelve she's going to be cursing like a damn sailor," all eyes went to Jason. "What? It's not my fault." Said Jason. "Actually, it is your fault. It's your mouth." Said Tim, Jason lunged at Tim for that leaving Dick, and Father to break the fight. "Look, if you don't like them making them leave, just know I'm leaving with them," I said once the fight was over. "I'm leaving with Dean, and Sam," all eyes went to me again. "WHAT?!" The four boys chorused. "That's right, I'm leaving with them," I said. "And none of you are going to make me change my mind." Father stood up. "If you do leave," Father began. "Call, and be safe, and take good care of Mary." I nodded, and left.
Bruce's pov
I watched Y/n sling one last bag in the trunk of Baby, Sam buckled Mary inside the car, and climbed into the passenger seat while Y/n sat in the back with Mary. Damian knocked on the window, the window rolled down, both siblings spoke for a bit, and Damian handed her something. "I guess this is goodbye," said Y/n. "Hope you guys are happy on how you treated your son/brother in laws." And the car was out of sight. "Do you all regret this?" I asked, they all stayed silent. "Yeah." Said Dick. "I do regret it." Said Damian. "Very." Said Tim. "I really do miss her." Said Jason.
Ever since Y/n, Sam, and Dean left, the Manor's very quiet, Dick, and Jason looked through Mary's bedroom. They found salt sprayed onto the window, and different paintings painted underneath the rugs, I told them to leave them in case they ever came back. Y/n called at least once a month, she told us how Mary is doing, what she, Sam, and Dean are up to, and how they are. Two years passed by, we missed Mary's first words, steps, birthday, Christmas, anything that's important for an infant.
A year later, Y/n, and Mary came by to visit, just them, no Sam or Dean. "They're on a hunt," Y/n explained, Mary sucked on a pacifier, and looked at me with curious hazel eyes. "She's three now." Y/n added, and she went inside. Everybody welcomed her back, Mary gained a lot of attention from everyone, especially Damian. I realized Y/n's wearing something, a bracelet Talia once wore, Damian must've given it to her when she left. Mary squealed, and toddled over to me snapping me out of my thoughts, I couldn't help, but smile at her, her h/c hair is shining from the bath she recently took, she wore a pumpkin onesie with the hood on, I caught her by the waist, and picked her up.
Y/n chuckled, her shirt slightly wet. "You better change that shirt, Y/n," I said. "You don't want to get sick do you?" Y/n smiled. "Are you sure you can take care of a child?" She asked. "It's only for a few minutes," I pointed out. "True, but, something can go wrong," said Y/n. "Alright, I better get changed." And she started to walk away, Mary whined when she saw her mother walking away. "Don't worry, Mary, she'll be back." I said to her softly, and carried her away.
When I reached the living room, the boys, for once, isn't fighting. Y/n came in with a clean white blouse, she took Mary from me, Y/n swayed side to side while humming, she sat down on the couch, Damian, now 15, carefully ran his fingers through his niece's hair. Two more footsteps were heard, Sam, and Dean came in, Sam gave Y/n a quick kiss before settling down next to her. Mary squealed, and scurried over to her father's lap making him laugh, Dean leaned against the wall, and watched his brother, sister in law, and niece spend some quality time together.
I patted his back making him flinch. "You raised him good," I softly said into his ear. "Good job." Dean smiled. "I guess I did." Dean agreed. I heard yawning coming from Mary, she curled up in Sam's arms, and fell asleep, Y/n smiled, and both parents left to tuck their child into bed. Both returned minutes later. "The traps are still there," said Y/n. "Why?" The boys, and I shared a look before answering. "Because we knew you four will come back." Said Dick. "You're our sister." Said Jason. "Yeah, we shouldn't have thrown you, Dean, and Sam out." Said Tim. "Never again will we treat you like that again." Damian added. "That's very sweet of you, really," said Y/n, Sam back hugged Y/n. "Yeah, it is." Sam agreed. "Thank you." Dean shifted. "Yeah, thanks." Said Dean.
Guys, I feel like starting a book with this series, but at the same time, I feel like I shouldn't because of this book. I'm stuck, like, really stuck. Vote, comment, and request though!

FanfictionSecond book of DC Comics One Shots. Also, ALL REQUESTS ARE CLOSED. IF REQUESTED, IT WILL BE IGNORED