Conner Kent x reader

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Requested by LovelyDolphin802

Conner's pov

      I found Wolf curled up by s/n's feet while she read a book, in her lap is Beast Boy in his hamster form.

     "How are you so good with animals?" I asked "I don't know, I guess animals just really like me," s/n replied without looking up from her book, "you know, it's rude not looking at people when you're talking," I said, s/n shut her book and looked at me, "fine," she said "happy?" "yeah, are you?" Beast Boy butted in "Garfield, why don't you go find M'gann?" s/n suggested "I bet she could use some of your company," "nah, she's probably smooching Lag'aan," I tensed at that, and s/n noticed, "I think you should go, Gar, Conner doesn't look happy," s/n said "yeah, he should go," I agreed, Garfield quickly bolted off.

      S/n raked her fingers through Wolf's fur as I sat down next to her "you know, M'gann is still in love with you," s/n softly said "I can see how she looks at you," I snorted "yeah right, she's already with Lag'aan," I replied "she's only with him because she wants him to be you," said s/n "and you're still in love with her too," I glared at her "I am not," I protested "yes you are, Conner," s/n said "I can see it in your eyes. How you try so hard to ignore them, looking away when you see them together, the hurt in your eyes, the jealousy," s/n listed "face it, Conner, you still love her. At some point, M'gann will realize it and she'll be back with you again. Just not know, but at some point," s/n said "for now, just deal with it." I didn't say anything, and s/n left........... is she right?

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