Dick Grayson x reader

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Y/n's pov

                  Positive, it said positive, I heard footsteps. "Y/n! I'm back!" I heard Dick calling out. "Where are you?" He asked, I took a deep breath, and stepped out of the room. "Here," I said, Dick instantly found me, and gave me a broad smile. "Hey," he greeted me, he gave me a kiss. "Is something wrong?" He asked, I took another deep breath, and handed him the test. "Are you serious?" He asked. "Yeah," I said nodding, Dick quickly spun me around making me squeal. "Alright! I'm going to be a father!" Dick cheered, he placed me down, and kissed me hard. "This is the happiest day of my life." 

                                         *time skip*

                   I'm now eight, and a half months pregnant, Dick, and I are visiting Manor. Tim was incredibly happy when he found out he's going to be an uncle very soon, Jason just grunted, Damian scrunched up his nose, Bruce smiled, Alfred congratulated me when he found out. Tim, and I are watching TV in the living room, I felt some pain from my abdomen, then something wet, and Tim noticed. Everything went into chaos, everything was a blur, and I found myself in the delivery room with Dick. "It's going to fine, babe, it's going be fine." Dick repeated. When it was all over, I found out I miscarried, I didn't say anything, nor did Dick. 

                   "I don't understand," I said softly. "I did everything right didn't I?" Dick looked at me. "I'm sorry," tears started to pour down my cheeks in shame, Dick wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "It's okay, Y/n, we can always try again," said Dick. "We can always try again." 

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