Damian Wayne x reader

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Damian's pov

               My brows furrowed together when I saw another me standing next to Todd.

                "*chuckle* I have a feeling this is going to be good," said Todd "who the hell is he?" I asked glaring at my 'clone' "oh please, I'm you," said my clone, he stepped up to me till we're nearly chest to chest, "there is one Damian Wayne, and that's me." I snapped at him "really?" asked my clone "shall we prove it?" I yanked out my katana and my clone did the same.

                     Just when we were about to strike, Father's voice echoed the Batcave "ENOUGH!" We both stopped, "change back, Changeling," Father ordered, Changeling?

                      My clone's form shimmered until there's a girl my age still holding the katana in her hand, she balanced it on her shoulder.

                      "Aw, you ruined the fun," she whined "it is not about fun." Father snapped "Jason said I could if I messed around with Robin," I glared at Todd, "what? It was," Todd protested, Changeling threw the katana down, "you liar! You only said it so you can have fun!" she accused, Todd raised his hands in defense and started backing up, "whoa, okay, let's not turn into a really strong person here, Changeling. I've been through hell and back, and I do not want to go through it again," said Todd, Changeling snorted, "Arsenal said you'll never use me yet you did, what a liar he is," said Changeling "is everyone that I know a liar?" "Whoa, hold up, I am not a liar," said Todd, he continued to back up while Changeling grew with a katana back in her hand, "there you go again, lying to get yourself out of a conversation." Said Changeling "Bruce? A little help?" Todd asked, Father crossed his arms, "you got yourself into this mess, now you need to find yourself out of it." Said Father, Todd gulped.

                          The damage Changeling had caused to Todd is very bad, I admit myself, I'll be screaming in pain too.

                        "That's what you get for being a liar," said Changeling, Todd glared at her as Pennyworth stitched his very deep cuts up, "shut up, Changeling." Todd grumbled "why don't you?" She snapped "jeez, I never thought a kid could be that snappy," I heard Grayson saying, he came into view, "and hot damn, I did not expect Changeling to do that all by herself," "who is she really and why is she here?" I asked "well, don't you want to know," said Changeling, she crossed her legs since she's sitting on the floor, "like you, I want to keep my identity a secret " she answered "though, I completely forgotten how I truly look," "explain," I demanded "she's a shape shifter, Demon, because she shifts so many times, she's completely forgotten how she used to look like," Todd explained "Roy found her as him, both fought, she shifted in front of him, and that's how he found out she's a shape shifter. Roy took her back to his place and let her stay there," Jason went on "brought her over to the Outlaws HQ couple of times, she's pretty useful for information." Changeling didn't say anything, "is that all true?" Asked Father "yes," said Changeling "why did you turn into Roy?" Asked Grayson "sorry, curiosity got the best of me," he added "that's none of your business," Changeling snapped "none of our business?" Todd repeated "Roy took you in for a reason, Changeling, and he must have a good one," said Todd "don't even bother asking him, he knows how serious it is to keep a shape shifter in your house!" Changeling snapped "I don't want the League Of Assassins coming after me," I stiffened "the League Of Assassins is after you?" I asked "why are you so interested?" Asked Changeling "because I'm from the League," I snapped "or at least, I was," Changeling didn't say anything, "since the League's after you, it's best that you stay here." Said Father "it'll be safer for you," "what about Roy?" Asked Changeling "he's going to be worried sick," "I'll tell him," said Todd "make sure Lian knows I'm going to miss her," said Changeling "fine." Said Todd, and he left. 

                          Changeling huffed, and crossed her arms, "why is my life so hard?" "How should we know?" I snapped at her "what is with you snapping at people?" She snapped back, we glared at each other, "enough, both of you," Father cut in "Changeling is our guest, and she'll be treated as one," I glared at Changeling again, "you need a better name now, Changeling, we don't want the League to catch wind of you living here," "Y/n Harper," said Changeling "Roy said I can take his name if I wanted to," "though you look nothing like him." I added, Y/n's once h/c hair turned red(if you already have red hair just ignore this part), "how about now?" Asked Changeling "very well." Said Father, and he left for patrol.  

                           "Have fun." I muttered, and followed Father. 

Y/n's pov

                            I snorted as I watched him leave, I heard footsteps, "he didn't take it well I see," I heard someone saying, I turned to see Red Robin, "nope," I said, Red Robin offered me his hand, and I took it, "*sigh* any idea how long I'm going to be stuck here?" "Nope." "Great." 

                                            *time skip*

                           Roy understood what was going on, and he allowed me to stay at the Wayne Manor, Damian and I got along just a tiny bit, Jason and I obviously got along just fine, Tim gives me information meaning we got along too, Dick is really fun to be around with, Bruce......... he kinda ignores me unless he has a reason to talk to me, he also shows some more affection as a father to me than he does to Damian making him jealous. 

                           "I don't get it," Damian grumbled "why does he show that type of fatherly love?" "How should I know? He's your father." I snapped "maybe if you weren't such an attention whore he'd show me more affection!" He snapped back, I stiffened at the word 'whore', I stood up from the couch I was sitting on, and left.

                            Damian quickly caught up with me, "I'm sorry, I did-," he began "do you have any idea what happened to me?" I whispered "I got raped, gang banged, sex slave, many times I had to take birth control pills so that my life doesn't get ruined," I said "I ran, got caught by a mad scientist, became a lab rat, broke out, ran away again, trained myself to control my powers, and I met Roy. He understood my life, he didn't say anything about my life when I told him, he didn't throw me away like my parents did." I explained "he loves me for who I am today, not the person I was before," "I didn't know," Damian said softly, he took my hand, "how was I supposed to know when you refused to say anything?" I didn't say anything, and a strand of h/c hair fell to my e/c eyes, "you changed back," Damian murmured, he pushed it back, and rubbed soothing circles on my cheek gently, "I love you," my eyes widened, "I know we argue a lot, and the reason why I do is because it's the only way I can talk to you without making a fool out of myself," Damian explained, he gently wrapped an arm around my waist, and pulled me close, "I hope you'll forgive me for doing this." He murmured, and gently pressed his lips against mine. 

                               The kiss is slow, and very passionate, I wrapped one arm around the back of his neck, and kissed him back. Will he keep his promise? 

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