Damian Wayne x reader

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You're Damian's half older sister and your mother is Catwoman. This one shot is related to the movie Son Of Batman. You have black hair and blue eyes.

Damian's pov

       "So, where is she?" I asked crossing my arms

        "She'll be here soon," said Father

          I opened my mouth to answer only to be cut off by a roar of a bike. A girl about 13 or so got off the bike and pulled her helmet off. Her gorgeous h/l black hair is a perfect shade of ebony, her bright blue eyes immediately told me she truly is Father's daughter.

       "A dead end," she said tossing her helmet onto the medical bed.

      "What do you mean by 'dead end'?" Grayson asked

       "I was tracking down Croc only to find a dead end," she said, she turned to face Father.

       "And you're the one who gave me that information," Father turned to face her.

      "I didn't realize Croc would leave that quickly," Father said

      "Now, will you please introduce yourself to your brother?" she gave Father a confused look

       "Brother? What bro-?" she began only to see me

       "You were serious," she said. She walked over to me and bent down to my level.

        "I can similarities between you and Dad," she said

         "Who are you?" I asked

          "Y/n Kyle Wayne," she said

         "Is she my sister by blood?" I asked Father

          "Indeed she is," Father replied

           Y/n sighed and got back up again. She walked back to her bike and grabbed her helmet.

          "Where do you think you're going?" Father asked

           "Chasing after Croc," Y/n replied, she pulled the helmet on, but Grayson stopped her.

           "You're killing yourself," Grayson said

           "I am not," Y/n snapped

           "Yes you are. When was the last time you got any sleep?" Grayson asked

           "Not to offend you, Dick, but why do you care?" Y/n asked

            "I care because you're my younger sister and older siblings are supposed to protect their younger ones," Grayson replied

            "You and Dad do all nighters so why can't I?" Y/n replied, she turned her bike on.

            "This is serious," said Grayson

             "Look, I appreciate you looking out for me, Dick. Dad can't go because Gotham needs Batman and Bludhaven needs Nightwing," said Y/n

            "Gotham and Bludhaven has no need of Catgirl," Father got up and placed a hand on her shoulder.

            "Y/n, Dick's right. When was the last time you got any sleep?" Father asked

           "I lost track," Y/n admitted

           "I was so focused on taking Croc down I just stopped sleeping," said Y/n, Father and Dick shared a look.

           "Don't. you. dare," Y/n growled, she brandished a whip and Grayson moved out of the way a bit.

          "Y/n, you need rest," Father said

          "One night of resting wouldn't hurt," Y/n didn't say anything as Father took the whip from her

         "Get changed and head onto bed. Dick, make sure she makes it to bed," Father ordered, Grayson nodded.

        When Y/n got changed, Grayson scooped up Y/n and carried her off.

*time skip*

        Y/n didn't stay here for a night, she stayed here for a few weeks and during those weeks, Father made us spend time together and the Charity Ball is today.

        "I don't understand why Father is making us do this," I grumbled, Y/n tied a tie around my neck and tightened it.

        "Because we're his children and his children must be present," Y/n said.

          Y/n finished tying the tie and started finishing up herself. I huffed and crossed my arms.

         "Don't be like that, Damian," Y/n said


         "Fine," I grumbled.

          Y/n and I walked down the stairs and found Father and Grayson already there. Grayson gave Y/n a smile and she smiled back.

         "te uiti frumos, Y/n," (you look beautiful, Y/n) said Grayson in Romanian 

         "te uiti-te elegant, Richard," (you look dashing yourself, Richard) Y/n said.

          Father nodded at Alfred and the guests came in. The ball wasn't bad, it was rather boring, Y/n had many  suitors asking for her hand in marriage and she shot them all down in less than a minute. I found myself staying close to Y/n as she spoke with the guests.

        "Damian, are you okay?" Y/n asked when I tightened my grip on her hand

        "فقط ........... العصبي," (just........ nervous) I replied in Arabic

       "كنت عصبيا جدا عندما حضرت لقائي الاول الكرة للجمعيات الخيرية," (I was nervous too when I attended my first Charity Ball) Y/n said

        "Don't worry, Damian, you'll get used to this new life," said Y/n.

        "You'll get used to it,"

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