Roy Harper x reader

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Requested by shadowbat16 Jason is a few months older than you. I know your friend asked me to make the reader Jason's sister shadwobat16 but I decided to make the reader a very close friend that Jason considers as his sister.

Jason's pov

              I waited for Nightwing to drop s/n off at Outlaw Headquarters outside. I heard a roar of an engine and a bike came into view, Nightwing and s/n got off. S/n pulled her helmet off and shook her hair out.

             "Hey Red Hood," s/n greeted me "hello, s/n," I greeted her back "and Nightwing," Nightwing gave me a two finger salute and he drove off.

             I took s/n's hand and we both headed inside. Kori gave s/n a wave when she saw s/n, s/n waved back. While heading towards my room we encountered Arsenal, aka Roy Harper.

           "Hey Jason, who's the babe?" Roy asked eyeing s/n, s/n blushed and hid behind me.

            I glared at Roy and pulled s/n in for a protective hug, "if I see you making my sister blush I swear to God I wil-," I began but s/n clamped her hand over my mouth, "okay! He gets it!" s/n said, I glared at Roy again before dragging s/n off.

Roy's pov

            Damn, I never knew Jason's sister is that hot. I noticed her looking at me, she noticed and blushed before looking away, I smiled and chuckled to myself.

           I found Kori smiling at me, "you like her," she teased "I do not," I snapped "yes you do, I can tell," Kori said "5 bucks that you're going to ask her out soon," I glared at her before walking away.

S/n's pov

          "Why didn't you tell me he's that good looking?" I asked Jason, I laid on my stomach on my bed, Jason glared at me, "he is not good looking. He's a retard that flirts with every girl he sees," Jason snapped.

          "You're over exaggerating," I said "I am not!" Jason snapped "yes you are," Jason growled

           "You're not going to hurt me, Jay, and you're definitely not going to hurt Roy with me around," I said, Jason huffed.

          "Please tell me you don't like him," Jason said "maybe," I sang softly, Jason glared at me and left my room.

           Oh shit.

Roy's pov

           Jason shoved me up against the wall with a gun pressed against my temple.

           "I'm warning you, Harper, stay away from my sister," Jason growled

           "She just came in! It's not like I'm going to have sex with her," I said

            "Listen to me, Harper, my sister's heart has been messing around more time than I can count. Any guy that dare so talk to her and try to play with her feelings I will kill them myself," Jason growled

           "I cannot, cannot bear seeing her like that again,"

           "I get that you're trying to protect her," I said "your sister is in good hands with me," Jason sighed.

          "I just want her to be safe,"

          "She will,"

                                                                                *time skip*

S/n's pov

            Arsenal and I are on top of a building and nothing is going on. I yawned before saying "well, this day is shit," Arsenal nodded in agreement.

           Arsenal stood next to me, our arms gently brushing together, my cheeks turned pink, but since it's dark out, he couldn't see it.

         "Well, since Starfire and Red Hood are doing their own thing, we might as well do something else," Arsenal said "thing? What do yo-?" I started, but warm lips captured mine.

           I wrapped my arm around the back of his neck, I tilted my head a bit to make the kiss deeper.

           Arsenal broke the kiss, he then quickly scooped me up making me yelp in surprise.

         "Where are we going?" I asked "back to my apartment," Arsenal responded.

           I sighed and sank into his warmth.

                                                                         *time skip*

           I felt Arsenal kissing my neck again, I pulled the covers up more, Roy smiled at me and stole a kiss from me, I smiled and hummed.

          "Jason better not kill you," I said nuzzling my face into his neck, Roy wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, his hands resting on my back, "he won't as long as you're around," Roy said into my ear, I shuddered and Roy rubbed soothing circles on my back.

           "Are you mad?" Roy asked "no, I'm glad you were my first," I said "good, get some sleep," said Roy, he caressed my cheek gently and I let myself relax and fell asleep.

3rd person view

           Red Hood watched Roy and Y/n sleep peacefully together, "you're not mad?" Starfire asked "no, I'm glad. Roy better not break her heart, if he does, he answers to me," Red Hood said, Y/n shifted, a smile is on her face. That was enough for Red Hood and both left.

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