Chapter 1

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Tris pov

It's my first day at this new school. My parents, brother and I just moved to Chicago a week ago and this was the part I was dreading the most. Starting a new school.

At my old school I didn't have any friends maybe because I always had my nose stuck in a book and didn't really talk but I hope I'm different here. I really want to make friends.

This is my last year of high school and I want to enjoy it. My brother Caleb is a year older than me so he just started a new college. He was sad about leaving his old college and his girlfriend.

My parents told him he could stay at the college he was at but he loves us so much he didn't want to leave his family.

The day we left from our old house they broke up and realized it was best if they saw different people.

I walked into the school and went straight to the office. When the lady gave me my roster and locker number. I left quickly because she was mean looking and I didn't want to bother her anymore.

I walk out of the office and am looking down at my roster when I accidentally bump into someone causing me to drop my papers and book I was holding.

"I'm so sorry-..." the person says. Since I'm new he doesn't know my name so he stumbles a little to see if he can figure it out but I just end up telling him.

"Tris. I'm new" I say bending down with him as we pick up the stuff I dropped.

"Well hello Tris. I'm four. Very nice to meet you" he says smiling at me and I give him a small smile back.

"Need any help locating anything. I'm amazing tour guide" he adds handing me my book.

"Um okay. Im trying to look for my locker" I tell him.

"Okay what's the number" he says as we start walking down the hall.

"46" I say

"That's cool. Your right next to me. I'm locker 45" he says and I giggle

"What a coincidence" I say and we walk to where our lockers are.

He stands next to his and watches as I open mine.

A group of people come charging over to us.

"Hey four" they say or "what's up dude" another person says.

"Who's this" one person adds

"This is Tris. She's new" four says

"Nice to meet you Tris. I'm Christina and I can tell already we are going to be the best of friends" a girl named Christina says hugging me. I get introduced to everyone else, who all seem very nice.

Who knows maybe this could be my new group of friends.

"In order to get the best grade on this project you would have to take care of this fake baby just like if it was real. I can tell when you ignore the baby. All of the fake babies are programmed and set up to my computer" the health teacher Ms. Ramsey says.

"Now everyone pick you partner, then come up to me and get your baby" she adds and everyone starts scattering around the room.

I stay in my seat and look around to see who can be my partner. All of the new friends I made today by my locker have the same health class as me.

I would love to be partners with Four. He's really cute and seems like a really good guy.

A group of girls crowd around Four and ask if they can be his partner but he ignores them and they sigh. I see him walk up to me with a smile and pulls a chair next to me.

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