Chapter 19

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Tris pov

Today is Kyle's funeral. This is the first time in 5 days I've been out the house. The whole funeral people have come up to me and said how sorry they are for my loss.

I just give them a smile and say a quick thank you. I don't want to talk much. I just want to get this over with.

After the funeral everyone is invited over Tobias and I's house for a little after funeral thing my mom said was polite to do for all the quest. She's hosting it. I'm just going to find a corner in the room and drink wine.

Now it's time for Tobias and I to bury Kyle. The priest said we have to pick up the shovels and put a pile of dirt over Kyle's coffin.

My poor Kyle. I miss him everyday. I occasionally cry but now I'm just silent and not in the mood to talk or do anything.

Tobias and I scoop a pile of dirt into the hole where Kyle's coffin is and then the funeral is over.

I put the shovel on the ground and walk to the car without talking to anyone. Tobias just follows.

When we get in the car. Tobias and I sit there quietly. He knows I don't want to talk right now.

He drives home and puts his hand on top of mine rubbing small circles on my finger that has my engagement ring on it.

We haven't gotten married yet due to all of the things we had to do for Kyle but now that Kyle's dead we can get married because we don't have to worry about his sickness anymore.

The thought makes me sick to the stomach. I push it aside and turn to Tobias.

"Will I ever be my old self again. I don't want to be sad and quiet anymore." I say to him

"Of course you will. You're just dealing with the loss of our son. It's okay to be like this. People understand why you don't want to talk. I understand" he says

"Okay" I say laying my head on his shoulder while he drives.

When we get home we're surrounded by people from the funeral who give us baked dishes and baskets of all sorts of things. Everyone talks amongst themselves but I just stand in a corner with a glass of wine in my hand.

My friends know I don't want to be talked to so they don't talk to me.

I know it's bothering Christina not to come up and talk to me right now she really wants to I can tell. She keeps looking at me.

With a wave of my hand I tell her to come join me in the corner. She walks over and stands next to me clicking our wine glasses together.

"How'd you doing" she ask

"I don't know. I think I'm going to be okay but I also think I will never get over Kyle's death" I say

"I want to I really want to. I want to go on and live the rest of my life but for some reason I can't because I feel like I'm betraying Kyle in some way" I add

"You're not betraying him. He would want you to move on and carry on, maybe have another baby a long the way. He wouldn't want you to stop your life" she says

"He was only two. Two years old. He didn't even get to go to pre school or go to places like Disney world. He deserved so much more" I say and a tear falls down, sliding on my cheek.

"I know, I know" she says hugging me.

The rest of the night is just people talking and eating. At around 7pm everyone left. Tobias and I cleaned up and got ready for bed.

We ended up falling asleep at 8:30pm. I just wanted to get this long day over with.

Short chapter sorry!

Please comment some ideas for the next chapter.


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