Chapter 17

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Tris pov
2 years later

I'm jumping around a lot, I'm sorry

Kyle is two and is getting so big. He still has the cancer. When he was about 1 they were able to get rid of it but recently it just came back.

He was so happy to have his full set of hair but now the chemo is making him lose it all again.

He doesn't like going to the doctors because he hates needles. He hates overnight visits at the hospital. He hates being sick and so does his parents ( Tobias and I ) and his family.

He has another overnight hospital visit tonight so we are packing his bag for that.

"Kyle, buddy I need your help" I tell him

"Yes mommy" he says running up to me

"I need you to pick your favorite stuffed animal and favorite movie to bring with you to the hospital tonight" I tell him

"No hospital mommy" he says hugging me

"I know baby but the doctors want to take care of you and try to make you feel better" I tell him

"Mommy and daddy will be there the whole time" I tell him

"Okay" he says going to his toy chest to pick his toys out for the night.

Tobias comes into the room and holds me.

"What are you thinking" he says

"That cancer sucks" I say quickly wiping a tear from my face.

"He's going to get better" he says trying to calm me down.

"The doctors said the cancer is getting aggressive. They said it could start to spread" I say quickly and worriedly.

"I can't lose him Tobias. I can't lose our son" I say crying. He lays my head on his chest so Kyle doesn't see me crying.

"Shh. Don't cry. Everything will be okay" he says

"It's your birthday tomorrow, cheer up. We'll have a wonderful day with Kyle and celebrate your day" he says and I nod. Drying my wet, testy face.

"Mommy are you okay" Kyle says hugging my leg.

"Is fine buddy. Did you find your toys and movies" I say

"I got this teddy bear" he says handing me the teddy bear.

"That's a great teddy bear. I think Dr. Flinch is going to like that teddy bear" Tobias says picking Kyle up and holding him.

"I hope she likes my teddy bear. She loves all of my teddy bears" Kyle says and I smile.

"Ready to go buddy" I ask

"Yes mommy" he says

We gather all of our things for our hospital stay and put them in the car. I buckle Kyle in his car seat and then get in the car with Tobias, then we drive to the hospital.

We're getting Kyle settled into his hospital room. He has his pajamas on and the nurses are getting ready to hook his IV into his hand.

He's not going to like this.

"Hey buddy" I say sitting next to him. Tobias does the same.

"See the nice nurse right there. She's going to put something in your arm to make you feel better. It's going to pinch so I need you to be a strong boy and let the nurse do this" I tell him

"I'm scared" he says

"Come sit in daddy's lap. I can hold your hand while you get it" Tobias tells him

"It will only be a second. Real quick" the nurse says

Kyle moves to sit on Tobias lap and the nurse holds Kyles arm. She put the IV in his arm and he cries. He doesn't like needles at all.

"All done little man. All done" the nurse says

"Good job buddy" I say wiping his tears and giving him a high five.

"All better now" Tobias tells him and he nods.

Tobias puts him on his bed and he lays down.

"Tired" I ask him and he nods

"How about you take a nap. We will be right here next to you if you need anything" I tell him and he nods laying his head on the pillow and clutching his teddy bear.

I turn to Tobias and sigh. He gives me a hug and kisses my head.

"Don't worry and don't stress" he says

"Everything is going to be okay" he adds and I nod but I still feel worried and I still feel stressed.

Hope you liked this chapter!

For the next chapter I will be writing about Tris birthday so give me ideas. I wanted to do something that involved her celebrating her birthday with Kyle but I don't know.

Give me ideas for her birthday  ^^^

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