Chapter 26

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Tris pov

I wake up in a hospital bed with a IV in my arm and my parents, Tobias parents, my brother, Amy, and Tobias standing around me crying.

Tobias comes to my side and holds my hand.

"Is the baby dead" I say quietly putting a hand on my stomach

"No. He's okay-..." Tobias says looking down at me smiling but still has tears in his eyes.

"It's a boy. We're having a boy" I say happily, interrupting what he was going to say

"Yes" he says and I smile

"The doctors had to do an emergency C section. They said he's really early but he should be okay" he adds

"That's good. Can I see him" I ask

"Not now. He's getting examined by doctors" my mom says walking over to my side.

"Tris, I'm so so so sorry for leaving you" Tobias says holding my hand.

"It's okay. This is not your fault. Let's just be happy I'm okay and the baby is okay" I say putting a smile on my face so I don't worry them but right now I'm scared out of my mind.

Every part of my body hurts and I'm just scared to ever be alone again.

I try to sit up in the bed but my body aches causing me to wince.

"Should I tell the doctor she's awake" Amy says to my mom and my mom nods

"How's the pain" Evelyn ask

"Its pain. Not fun at all. Every part of my body hurts" I say

"We're just happy you're okay" my dad says wiping his tears away

"When they find that boy I am going to beat him senseless" my dad says

"Me too." Tobias says

"Violence is never the answer" I say

"Let the police deal with it" I add

"Sweetheart something tragic has happened to you once again. I just want to make sure your mental state is okay so I signed you up for therapy sessions with a therapist every Tuesdays. Is that okay?" My mom says

"Would have been nice of you to talk to me about it first but whatever it's fine" I say

"Beatrice your mother was only thinking about what's best for you" my dad says

"I know but I'm a grown woman and I can make my own decisions so next time mom just wait for me to wake up from being unconscious before you go and set me up for thing" I say and it comes out really bitchy but I wasn't meaning for it to go that way.

"This is what I get for being a good mom" my mom says grabbing her stuff. It looks like she's ready to leave.

"Mom I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come out that way" I say putting a hand on my head.

Ugh I'm such a terrible person.

"I know but I'm going to let you have some time to yourself. I'll be back" she says and walks out the door.

"Dad" I sigh

"I didn't mean it to be mean" I tell him

"I think everyone is just really sensitive right now" my dad says

"How about we give Tris a minute to herself" Evelyn says and everyone leaves but Tobias

"I'm such a terrible person" I say and he laughs and sits with me on the bed.

"You are not" he says holding my hand

"I feel numb Tobias like I have no feeling" I say

"I woke up and didn't know what to think of this situation. I have so many emotions right now. I'm happy but sad and mad. I just want to get pass this" I say

"You will. You are the strongest human being I've ever met and you are brave. I know you and I love you. You can get through this" he says

"We can get through this" he adds and I smile and lay my head on his chest.

"I need to apologize to my mom" I say

"Shh. She knows you didn't mean it" he says and I sigh

"Okay" I say

A doctor walks in with a smile and a clip board in her hand. We talk for a little about what had happened and then she ask if it was okay if the police asked me a few questions. I said yes. Then the rest of my night consisted of cops asking me questions.

The whole time all I was thinking about is my son. I wanted to see him already.

When the police got the information they needed Tobias and I sat on the bed and thought of a name for our son.

We later came up with Brian. Brian Joseph Eaton.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was short but I have some ideas for the next chapters.

Comment any ideas you have

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