Chapter 25

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Tris pov

The morning alarm goes off and instead of Tobias hitting the alarm off I do it. I take the blanket comforter off of me and get out of bed before Tobias.

He normally turns the alarm off and has to struggle with me to get out of bed but I have a feeling that today is going to be a good day.

Tobias sits up in our bed and smiles at me.

"Good morning to my handsome husband" I say walking over to him and pecking his lips.

"Good morning beautiful" he says

"I love the mood you're in" he adds and I smile.

"I don't know what's up with me. I just woke up on the right side of the bed today" I say

"I love you" he says

"I love you too" I say back and walk to the bathroom.

I brush my hair and do the bathroom type of things I have to do then I change into a nice summers dress and put on comfortable heels.

I grab a grey cartagin and put that on because I always get cold at work.

I brush my hair out and pass the flat iron through it then look at myself in the mirror and smile.

"You look beautiful babe" Tobias tells me

"Thank you" I say to him

We go downstairs and he makes us breakfast. Oatmeal is one of my favorite things to eat now a days.

Then we get in our cars and drive to work. Everyday before we go to our classrooms we have to stop by the front office for any papers or notes from students or other staff.

I look at the papers in my box and it's mostly junk stuff that every teacher gets all the time that we don't even need to awknowledge.

Tobias kisses my cheek and holds my hand as he walks me to my classroom.

"Have a great day. See you at lunch" he says to me dropping me off in front of the classroom

"Yeah." I say smiling. He puts a hand on my belly and smiles down at it

"I can't wait to find out what gender the baby is" he says

"Me too" I say

"I have to set up an activity for my first period class so I'll see you later babe" he says to me and I nod.

He quickly kisses me and starts to walk away.

"Oh Tobias. I'm going to stay a little bit after school to finish grading some papers so for dinner I was thinking we could just order out" I say

"Sure" he says and I blow him a kiss and he pretends to catch it.

"So what was Shakespeare trying to say in that line" I say to the class I'm teaching.

We are reading Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. Right now we are just discussing what we read which was the scene where Romeo and Juliet first met.

I wait for a student to raise their hand and answer but Tobias interrupts the class and answers.

"I think he was trying to explain how beautiful Juliet was just like my beautiful wife is" he says and everyone in the class smiles but a few girls that have big crushes on Tobias.

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