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America-You were hurrying down the busy streets of the Big Apple and trying to hail a taxi, to add the cherry on top,you were late for your job as a resident at the hospital. When suddenly a man in glasses and a pilot style outfit came bustling  down the street to hail a taxi as well. He ran into you on accident, as quickly as you fell, he picked you back up. You thanked him and he said, "No problem, I'm the hero, but you can call me Alfred Jones." You stated your name before the taxi pulled up for you, the man opened the door for you and then scooted into the taxi on the seat beside you. When you got up there was a piece of paper under you with his name and number.
Canada- You were gliding around on the icy pond when all of a sudden you tripped and twirled right into something hard and warm, and breathing. " Dammit, I took someone out", you thought. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?", the person you had fell into said, "Yes I'm fine, my name is Matthew Williams, what is yours?" "My name is Y/N L/N." " It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N." "You too." You skated back to the grass, removed your skates, and left for home. You found his number on a piece of paper inside of your skates.
England- You were sitting in your favorite cáfe drinking your tea and eating scones. To some, scones may be strange, but not to you, you loved them. A man casually slid into the seat in front of you and said, "Hello Miss, my name is Arthur Kirkland, I knew I just had to speak to you, what's your name?" "My name is Y/N, Y/N L/N, it was a pleasure to meet you but I must go." "Okay, goodbye." You didn't leave without his number which he had ever so casually slid into the pocket of your jacket( How, I don't know.)
Germany- You were training at you local gym when you saw a very tall, very muscular man walk up to you and introduce himself as Ludwig Bielschmidt. Being polite you also introduced yourself, finished your workout, and left the gym to go home as you were in a hurry. Not before getting his number, though.
Italy- You were eating at a local Italian restaurant when the waiter came up to you to take your order, his name tag read,"Feliciano Vargas", he asked, "Posso prendere il vostro ordine?"(May I take your order?) "Sí, avró la pasta."( Yes, I will have the pasta.) The man went back for your order and ten minutes later came back with your pasta and the bill, which he had wrote his name and phone number on.
Italy(Romano)- Same scenario as seen above but his name tag read, "Lovino Vargas".
France- You were eating an éclair at a table in front of the Eiffel Tower, when suddenly a Frenchman sped up to your table and said," J  m'appellle  Françis Bonnefoy, ce qui est à vous?" (My name is Francis Bonnefoy, what is yours?) "J m'appelle Y/N L/N." " C'était un plaisir de vois rencontrer." (It was a pleasure to meet you) "Vous aussi."( You too.) After you  finished your éclair, you left. However, you didn't leave without his number
Japan- You were searching through manga trying to find the volume you were looking for when a man walked up to you and said, "Kon'nichiwa, watashi no name-ō Kiku ,anata wa nanidesu ka?" (Hi, my name is Kiku. What  is yours?) " Name-ō Y/N L/N." With that he handed you the manga you were looking for and his number.
Spain- You were out buying seeds for your garden. You had been wanting to plant some cucumbers, watermelon, strawberries, tomatoes, carrots, and potatoes. You had found just the perfect booth at a farmers market to buy said seeds. The man running the booth said to you, " Hola, me llamo Antonio Carríedo Férnandez , cómo te llamas?" (Hi, my name is Antonio Carriedo, what is your name?) "Me llamo  Y/N L/N."(My name is....) "Mucho Gusto."(It's a pleasure to meet you.) "Igualmente."(Likewise)He gave you your seeds, and there was also a turtle(why?) in the bag that had his name and number on it. Nothing against turtles but why he didn't use paper, you'll never know.
Russia-You were the chef at a local restaurant and there was this customer in a heavy coat, scarf, and he had a metal pipe sitting next to him, you went up to him and asked,"Chto tebe nravitsya?"(What would you like?) He simply replied with, "Olivier Salad and pirog."(A Russian salad with many vegetables,meat, potatoes, along with that "Pirog" is a pie with a sweet or savory filling.) You brought back the man's food and he gave you his name and number
Prussia- See above scenario.

A/N- Sorry for any  language errors I've made, I had to use Google Translate for each language except for Spanish. Enjoy the chapter!

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