Unconscious Habit

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America- Tapping your foot when working
Al had never really noticed until now that you would tap your foot unconsciously while working. You were filling out paperwork for work, and you had been tapping your foot the whole time. Al was mesmerized by the repetitive noise, until you looked up and said, "Is something the matter, you've been staring at me the last half an hour?" That was when he snapped out of his daze, and said, "Nothing.", while he smiled.
Canada- Biting your lip
You were drawing a picture of Kuma, and that was where all of your concentration was at the moment. Matthew was sitting across from you, and meticulously watching you. He noticed that when you would mess up, you would erase your mistake in frustration, wrinkle your nose, and fix it. However, when you concentrated hard enough, you would bite your lip unconsciously. He thought it was adorable, and it took all of his willpower to not kiss you right then and there.
Italy- Tracing circles on his outer thigh
You were sitting with Feli, and you two were watching a movie. You were resting your head on his shoulder, and you had your legs pulled up underneath you, and your feet were resting against your butt. You had one hand on his leg, and were unconsciously rubbing circles on his outer thigh. He blushed, your soft fingertips felt nice and warm against his skin.
Italy(Romano)- muttering, "Ugh, fuck." under your breath
You were at the fridge, and you were bent over. You were looking for tomatoes for tonight's dinner, and you simply couldn't find them. You ran your fingers through your hair, and muttered, "Ugh, fuck." under your breath. Little did you know, your boyfriend was standing against the door frame, with a smirk plastered to his face. He thought it was really hot.
Germany- Butt jiggles while running
There are two perks that come with Ludwig's training regimen:1. You get a nice body, and get really toned. 2. You get a nice ass. You were running and Ludwig was behind you. He was behind because he had spent more the entire run staring at your jiggling booty.
England- Scrunching your nose in frustration
You were getting out ingredients for vanilla cupcakes, and staring at a recipe for a new frosting. Your boyfriend was secretly watching from afar. Noticing the fact that your nose would scrunch up when you were really concentrating, he smiled and tried not to have a fangirl attack.
France- Unconsciously sways hips when cooking
You had told Francis that you were going to start dinner. So, he was sitting on the couch, reading a book. He set down his book, stretched, and walked to the kitchen for a glass of water. He noticed you standing, bent over the stove, and you were unconsciously swaying your hips back and forth. You weren't paying attention to your surroundings, so when you felt two arms wrapped around your hips, and hear someone whisper,"Dinner smells great.", you quite almost literally shit yourself in fear. He chuckled and walked away. Never did get the water he came for.
Japan- Cuddle up to him when he tries to get out of bed in the morning
Kiku opened his eyes, and looked at the alarm clock. It was 9:00 AM. He pulled the covers off, and sat up, swinging his legs over the side. When all of a sudden, he heard a grunt of disagreement, and felt an arm wrap around his waist. He looked down to see you in your sleeping state. He slowly laid back down in bed as not to disturb you.
Russia- Tapping your fingers
You were reading a hardback novel, and you were quite concentrated on it. Ivan was sitting next to you, and he was dozing off. Until he heard the sound of tapping, you were unconsciously tapping your fingers against the book cover. He looked down at you and chuckled, before going back to sleep.
Spain- Blow on your food before you eat it
You do this with pretty much all of your food.
Prussia- Calling him "awesome"
You met up with your sister, and had brought your boyfriend. "Who is this?" "This is my awesome boyfriend , Gilbert." He walked around with a shit-splitting grin the rest of the day.

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