He pranks you(and succeeds)

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America- Your boyfriend was home with you, but you hadn't seen or heard him in the last hour. You walked throughout the house and checked every room, checking to see if he was there. Nada. You walked out front. Nope. Last place? Outback. You walked outside, looking in every direction. You then felt a cold splash as frigid water and ice rained down on you. You looked up to see the culprit. Alfred...
Canada- You were having difficulty opening a can of your favorite soup. You tried everything. So, you sifted through the cabinets, pulling out a can-opener. You wiped the lid with the bottom of your shirt, then sat the can on the counter. You placed the opener onto the can and slowly started turning it. All of a sudden fake snakes leaped out and you jumped back about 3 ft. as your boyfriend emerged from the corner.
Italy- You were twirling Ramen around with a fork when all of a sudden, something caught the fork. You lifted up the fork, only to see a fake worm. You rolled your eyes.
Italy(Romano)- You had just gotten back from work, and walked in the door, which would've been nothing out of the usual, but the door was jarred open. This should've been the first sign something was up. You carefully pushed the door open, only to be drenched by a bucket of ice water on the top of the door. You clapped your hands slowly, before saying, "You can come out now...Lovino.."
Germany- You were in the exercise room moving equipment around. You moved a heavy bag to a certain corner. So on and so forth. However at a point in this process, you felt like you were being watched. You turned around, and crept slowly over to the heavy bag, pushing it over, when a figure wearing a mask jumped out. You pulled the mask off his face, and walked away.
England- Your boyfriend had made a cake. You thought, "Ehhh... why not try it?" You cut off a slice, and took a bite. Only to spit it out when you realized it was sponge cake. I mean a literal sponge cake made of sponges.
France- He pretended to spill coffee all over one of your favorite books.
Japan- He moved all the furniture and household items to the right, and you had the strangest feeling something wasn't right.
Russia- He tied every single one of your shoelaces together.
Spain- He switched around every book on the bookshelf. It took 3 hours to get them back in order.
Prussia- He put post-it notes EVERYWHERE.

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