2nd Valentine's Day Together!

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America- You gave him a copy of "The Notebook". You highlighted passages in the book that you thought were beautiful speeches about love and things you felt about him. He bought you roses.
Canada- You stayed in and watched crime shows and ate Chinese food.
Italy- You gave him a painting of you two and Ludwig and Lovino in the background.
Italy(Romano)- You ended up getting each other flowers which was kind of funny. You went out to dinner together.
Germany- You bought him a treadmill which he loved. He rescued a Corgi from the shelter and gave him to you. You immediately fell in love with him.
England- You baked cupcakes and passed them out to your neighbors.
France- You went on dinner and movie date.
China- You sat at home eating take-out and making photo albums.
Japan- You bought each other books.
Russia- You watched romantic movies together and he cried during every single one.
Prussia- You went to the animal shelter and adopted a pet.
Spain- You adopted a dog from the local animal shelter.

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