China catch-up

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Before we start, I would like to say that when I started this book, I intended to write for Japan and apologize for any confusion. However, I will be adding China for China fans, and have fixed Japan's scenarios for Japan fans. I would also like to thank everyone who reads my book, who votes, and who comments. It is greatly appreciated.

We shall begin!

When you meet:
You were strolling down the streets, when you accidentally bumped into someone. You looked up and apologized to the stranger. You introduced yourself, and he introduced himself as Yao Wang.

You had recently befriended Yao, and you two had become very close. You began to develop feelings for him, and he began to develop feelings for you. He gathered the courage to tell you of his feelings one day. He showed up at your house, and rang the doorbell. He waited for you to open the door. Once you opened the door and invited him in, he sat down on your couch. He looked down before looking back up at you and saying, "Since the day I met you, I started falling deeper and deeper in love with you and I won't deny it, I love you, Y/N. Will you go out with me?"

First Kiss:
He sprinted to you, kissed you, and sprinted away.

Pranking: This is going to combine both pranking chapters. He fails and succeeds.
Yao and you were having a *drumroll please* Prank War. He tried to pie you in the face, but dropped the pie on the floor, tripped, and fell face-first into the pie. He tried again with a different pie, and this time he caught you at exactly the right moment.

His secret???(Not really)
He takes pictures of you and keeps them in a scrapbook. It's under the bed.

You steal his clothes:
You wear his t-shirts from time to time when you don't have any.

You catch him singing:
You caught him jamming out to "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey.

Weird(??) Habit:
Once you found out about his scrapbook. You started working on it together.

Trait of his you love:
His hair. You love ruffling it.

He gets hurt:
You were sitting in the armchair when you heard a loud thud and Yao said, "It's okay. Something fell down." "What fell down?" "Me." "Are you good?" "*groans* Yeah."

What flowers he gets you:

Matching tees(Pics found online):

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Matching tees(Pics found online):

Sweet Messages:"If you told me to yell to the world that I love you

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Sweet Messages:
"If you told me to yell to the world that I love you. I'd whisper it in your ear."

He finds out you have a scar:
You recently fell down the hill on a date and scratched your shin on a very small rock.

You find out he has a tattoo:
He got a temporary tattoo.

"I'm China." "I'm C/N"

You accidentally wake him up:
You accidentally yanked out the lamp cord and knocked the lamp over.

Day Off:
You both laid down on the couch and watched Netflix. Plus you finished a whole season of *insert show title here*

He gets jealous:
He got jealous of Kiku.

When you're sick:
You had a cold, he wouldn't leave your side.

Happy Valentine's Day!
You were sitting on the couch while reading a book when you looked out of the corner of your eye, and there stood your boyfriend. Well, your boyfriend with a small smirk on his face. He walked over to you and lifted you up and over his shoulder. He walked out the front door with you, and continued walking for 10 minutes. After awhile, he sat you down and proclaimed you were finally "here". You looked in front of you to see a picnic surround by rose petals in the shape of a heart. "Happy Valentines Day!", was heard from a certain voice behind you. "I love you." "I love you, too." You two sat down and enjoyed a lovely picnic.

Unconscious habit:
Twirling your hair with your finger or tucking locks behind your ear.

When he cries:
He sobs.

His nickname:
Love. Just Love.

He does something funny(ish):
You saw Yao walk outside with a milkshake in hand. Curiously, you watched from the window. He stood there for half an hour before walking back in, looking at you, and saying, "I just wanted to make a Kelis reference."

Dating him includes:
-Cooking with him.
-Giving him your unconditional love.
- That's it.

Road Trip:
You drove to Virginia Beach.

Favorite Ice Cream:
Klondike bars.

Very, very tight hugs.

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