First Kiss

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America- You and Al were sitting on the couch watching a movie and eating burgers. When he pointed out that you had some ketchup on the side of your lip. Rather than grabbing a napkin and wiping it for you, he leaned forward kissing you and licking the ketchup off.
Canada- You were sitting at the table alone while eating some pancakes(I almost put waffles), your boyfriend was still asleep, or so you thought. You still had some syrup on your lips when Mattie walked up, kissed you, and then sat down to eat his pancakes like a civilized human.
Germany- He just simply walked up to you and kissed you. Nothing complicated.
Italy- You were cooking pasta and had brought the spoon up to your mouth to taste the pasta when Feli popped out of the middle of absolutely nowhere and planted a kiss on your lips, before walking away and muttering,"Yummy."
Italy(Romano)-  He tripped and fell into you, "accidentally" smashing his lips onto yours.
England- You were drinking the last cup of tea while your boyfriend sat across from you with the look of a broken man plastered to his face. You offered him a sip when he declined and then walked over to you planting his lips onto your own, and then saying,"I feel better now."
Japan- You were reading your manga, then looked up to check the time, when you felt a pair of lips on your own.
France- He's a huge romantic and planned this whole scheme just to kiss you. All he had to do was ask.
Spain- He was eating a churro, one in your favorite flavor to be exact. He asked you if you wanted a bite and you nodded your head, he leaned forward and kissed you before giving you the churro. That was definitely more than a bite.
Russia- You walked up to him and yanked his scarf down, pecked him on the lips and pulled his scarf back up. You walked away and he had the most confused expression on his face.
Prussia- He yelled out, "KISS, KISS, FALL IN LOVE!", then kissed you before running away.(Hehe.. OHSHC reference)

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