"I love you!"

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America- After becoming friends, you two would frequently go out and eat lunch together. You went to take the bun off the burger and put ketchup on your burger(sorry, if you don't eat meat.) You looked down and saw the words, "I love you, will you go out with me-Al." You looked up and said yes.
Canada- You two would frequently go ice skating at the pond you met at. Mattie picked you up and spun you around on the ice when you looked down you saw that the words, "Go out with me?", on the ice. You said yes.
England- He attempted to write it out in frosting on a cake but burnt it, so he just asked you and you said yes.
Germany- You two would frequently go to the gym you met at and you would train, after finishing a training session, you went to take a swig of water and saw the words," Go on a date with me?", written on your water bottle. You said yes.
Italy- You often went to the restaurant you met him at, this time he had wrote,"Go out with me?", on your bill. You said yes.
Italy(Romano)- You were walking home from work when a guy cornered you and drunkenly slurred offensive things to you, when Lovino came out of nowhere and started yelling. You thanked him to which he asked you out. You said yes.
Japan- He simply wrote," Go out with me?", in one of your mangas. You said yes.
France- When you two became friends, you would go to the Eiffel Tower, one day he took you too the top of the Eiffel Tower and told you to look down, he had spelled out, "Will you go out with me?" in lit candles. You said yes.
Spain- He wrote it on a tomato and threw it in through the window. You said yes.
Russia- Ivan had been coming by more often, one day he was just blunt about it and asked you out, and you said yes.
Prussia- He simply called and asked you out over the phone and you said yes. He figured you couldn't resist "ze awezome" him.

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