His reaction to seeing a spider

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America- *girlish screams* Runs out of the house screaming.
Canada- Says nothing but is screaming on the inside.
Italy- Grabs anything he can and throws it at the spider.
Italy(Romano)- Lets out a battlecry, runs at it, and kills the spider.
Germany- Scoffs and kills the spider.
England- Grabs the heaviest thing he can find and hits the spider with it repeatedly.
France- Blinks, sighs, and hurls anything he can find at the spider.
Japan- Throws a book at the spider and flees the room just in case.
Russia- He ain't afraid of no spiders(Hehe.. Ghostbusters reference)
Spain- Has an epic stare-off with the spider before throwing the nearest thing at the spider.
Prussia- Calls his brother.
China- Stomps the spider to death.

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