You steal his clothes

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America- You were cold and the blankets were in the wash. You saw Al's jacket on a nearby chair and went to pull it on. You wrapped yourself in it and layed back down on the couch, cuddling into it, and falling asleep. Al walked through the door, only to see your sleeping form in his jacket. He had a mini-fanboy attack and an internal conflict about moving you. Before lying down and cuddling up with you.
Canada- See above scenario.
Italy- You had found an old bow of his and used it to tie your hair into a messy bun. Feli walked in and saw you before saying,"Ve~you look so bella, Y/N."
Italy(Romano)- You had found a pair of his lounge pants and pulled them on, when your boyfriend walked through the house mumbling,"Where the hell are my sweatpants?" Until he saw you, and forgot about his sweatpants.
Germany- You were training and it was a hot day and you didn't have a hat to block the sun from your eyes. So you grabbed your boyfriend's military cap and pulled it over your ponytail. Ludwig thought it looked adorable on you.
England- Your jacket was in the wash and you had to run an errand, so you quickly grabbed your boyfriend's jacket and pulled it over you.
France- You saw a rose and decided to tuck it behind your ear. Your boyfriend thought you looked beautiful and took a picture, he still has the picture and never leaves the house without it.
Russia- Your face was cold, so you decided to steal Ivan's scarf. He shockingly wasn't wearing it. You wrapped the scarf around your neck and face, feeling the smooth and warm fabric against your cold skin. Your boyfriend stood in the doorway and was looking at you. Most people who stole his scarf wouldn't live to see the next day, but he does have a soft spot for you.
Japan-You don't wear his clothes, but he really wouldn't care anyways.
Spain-  You don't always take his jacket, but when you do, he thinks you look adorable.
Prussia- Most could say you never wear his clothes, but a lie detector determines that statement is false. Sometimes you'll wear his clothes.

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