You accidentally wake him up.

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Warning:Profanity up ahead.
America- You has just gotten home from work. Your boyfriend had already told you he had a World Meeting that day, so you didn't think anyone would be at home. So you were frightened when you heard a creak. Standing at the doorframe, you yelled out, "HEY ASSHOLE, HEY SHITFACE!"(If you got the reference, you're my new best friend.) Seconds later you saw your sleep-dazed, very pissed off, boyfriend stomping down the stairs with a look that could kill on his face. "WHAT DO YOU WANT, I WAS SLEEPING!" You just grabbed your stuff and walked out, you didn't want to deal with his bad mood.
Canada- You and your boyfriend were watching a Freddy Krueger movie. What you didn't know was that your boyfriend was asleep. He had dozed off in the recliner, and you had spent the last 10 minutes having a conversation about the movie with him when you said, no wait,screamed."MATTIE, ARE YOU LISTENING?!", then his head shot up and he snorted very attractively(same) before asking, "What?" You just rolled your eyes and turned back to the movie.
England- You brought home Chinese-take out, because we all know that your boyfriend and his Iggybrows, sorry eyebrows, can't cook. You walked through the door and yelled out,"IGGY, I GOT US DINNER!" When your boyfriend shot up from the couch still half-asleep.
Germany- Your boyfriend was home sick and you had just gotten back from training. You were trying to make it to the bedroom and get clothes that weren't drenched in sweat. When you heard a snore emitted from the bed; you hadn't known your boyfriend was asleep, but now you were trying to be extra quiet as to not wake him up. You made your way to the closet when some old antiques fell out and smashed onto the floor. You were inspired by Jurassic Park to use the logic that if you were still and didn't move, your boyfriend wouldn't notice and he wouldn't wake up. Well you thought wrong because within a millisecond, your boyfriend shot up and had a pistol aimed at you. "Oh, Liebling, it was just you." You quietly nodded your head and walked away. The thought that he had a pistol and slept with it under his pillow was enough to terrify you.
Italy- You were on the couch with your boyfriend, whom had fallen asleep, when out of the blue , your phone went off at full volume, when Rick Astley started playing, whilst you sat there, sighing in an exasperated tone. Your boyfriend sat up and said," Is this for real or did you just Rick-roll me?", then he chuckled, at least he has a since of humor.
Italy(Romano)- So you had a bad day and you stormed into the house, slamming the door open. Apparently your boyfriend was asleep and he doesn't have a great sense of humor after he's just woken up. So the very next day, he stomped around the house, banging pots and pans together, yelling, "I DON'T GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF Y'ALL, Y'ALL NOT GONNA GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF ME." , (vine/TV show reference) at 6:00 AM, because as he told you, karma works that way.
France- You went to ask Francis a question, when you noticed he was sleeping. Trying to be quiet , you walked out of the room only to stub your toe, knock over the bookshelf, and knock off every book, you just stood there and LET THE BOOKS HIT THE FLOOR, LET THE BOOKS HIT THE FLOOR, LET THE BOOKS HIT THE FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR. Ahem, so anyways your boyfriend shot up in terror only to see you lying on the floor, surrounded by books,curled into a ball in tears. That was the day you broke your toe.
Japan- He's usually up before you, sooooooooooooo, yeah.
Russia- You were cleaning Ivan's pipe, when you dropped it on your toe. Trying to be quiet because your boyfriend was asleep in the next room, you limped around; the worst part was the fact that the pipe clanged onto the floor, making the sound of metal clanging onto the floor(what?) and caused your water glass to shake like in the Jurassic Park movies. He shot up.
Spain- So you technically didn't wake him up, a bull did, but you were chasing after the bull that decided to go on a rampage that day, and you were yelling at the bull, oblivious to the fact your boyfriend was asleep.
Prussia- You don't wake him up, he doesn't wake you up. That's how the circle of sleep works in your house.

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